R. I. P. Dave Brady

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 8, 2023

David D. Brady was one of the most well-adjusted people to ever serve in the Delaware General Assembly.  Down-to-earth, never full of himself, committed to serving his constituents.  He ably served his Claymont constituents for twenty years until a blatant gerrymander cost him his seat in 2002.  His priority was always constituent service, and he was very good at it.  He pushed an excellent ‘workers’ right to know’ bill back in the 1980’s that was eviscerated by the Chamber and Delaware Way forces that dominated the legislature back then.

It was impossible not to like him.  His wife Carol was (and is) an absolute delight and Dave’s biggest cheerleader.

My deepest condolences to Dave’s family and large circle of friends.  He was a wonderful person who truly made a difference.

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  1. mediawatch says:

    It’s a shame he wasn’t allowed to represent Claymont even longer. A true community leader and a fine gentleman.

    • He was also very disciplined. He was in tremendous shape and could outwork candidates much younger than him.

      He lost b/c of the notorious Wayne Smith gerrymander and especially b/c the Democratic House Caucus didn’t challenge what our Senate attorneys thought was a blatantly-illegally-drawn set of maps.

      That’s what happens when the leaders cut a deal for Lonnie George’s daughter–everybody else got screwed. Dave Brady and Rick DiLiberto in particular.

  2. Another Mike says:

    I knew Mr. Brady for many years, since I played Little League against his sons. He was out and about in the community until very recently. He always asked how I was doing and about my family. Has the state house leadership even made any mention of his passing?