DL Open Thread Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on May 9, 2023

Delaware holds school board elections today. The News Journal ran a useful voters’ guide, but I don’t know if it’s behind the paywall. Meanwhile, RISE Delaware, the group fighting Gov. Carney’s proposed downgrade to state retirees’ health care, has scheduled a rally at Legislative Hall from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

The never-ending legal problems of Previous Guy Donald Trump keep getting worse. Georgia prosecutors have gotten eight of Trump’s “fake electors” to turn state’s evidence. One who hasn’t flipped, the chairman of the state GOP, is defending himself by claiming Trump’s lawyers told him it was OK. Good luck with that.

A never-Trump conservative has an answer to why none of the Not Trumps ever seriously threatens to dethrone him: By emulating Trump’s most draconian positions, they set Trump up to look like the more moderate choice.

“Banning Muslims: not moderate. But on a host of other issues, Trump cultivated an image that was less ideologically rigid than his opponents. He seemed way chiller than Ted Cruz on gays and abortion. He said he wouldn’t cut Social Security and Medicare. And he attacked the foreign-policy hawks in both parties for war-mongering. This allowed him to win over both the extreme members of the base who like how he fought the libs on cultural issues, but also appeal to casuals who liked The Apprentice that thought that some of the super-Christian Republicans were a little out there.”

From the Every Accusation a Confession files, a Texas state rep who liked to rail against “groomers” resigned just before his colleagues could expel him for plying his 19-year-old aide with liquor and fucking her (this is known as “rape” unless a politician does it, in which case prosecutors will say they don’t have enough proof). Say, Vance Phillips moved to Texas, didn’t he? Coincidence?

Wildfires in Alberta have burned nearly 1 million acres and interrupted oil supplies to the US Midwest, though cooler temperatures are helping firefighters to bring it under control. Meanwhile, the rain in Spain is mainly not falling in the plain, threatening the olive harvest.

I’m sure I’ve missed plenty more examples of the permanent decline of civil society if not civilization itself. Feel free to post them below.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    No! Not the olives! Is there no god? Nope, ain’t none to be had, just a looming problem for martini drinkers of all ages. But hey, admit it! The groomer game comes to the Republican party, and as ever I suspect more fun is to come, much like the supremely corrupt supreme court.

  2. Arthur says:

    Hey, god told the Texas rep to do it

  3. puck says:

    The expelled Texas rep was, wait for it, a youth pastor.

  4. Jason330 says:

    RE APPO School Board – Ray Petkevis is a fill blown MAGA nit who thinks the biggest issue facing the district is violence & not locking up enough black kids. I’m afraid he could sneak in and beat Tashiba Graham with Dr (OF WHAT?*) Timothy Johns acting as a spoiler.

    *If the Doctorate us in theology, I’d say that is false advertising.

  5. Jean says:

    Never-was carlucci cohelo couldn’t win in the (senate? House?) so he is trying for the red clay school board against Jose matthews. Someone made up “no way Jose” signage, and I am happy to say I saw at least one hand-lettered “carlucci co-hell-no”

    Game recognizes game, as they say

  6. john kowalko says:

    Thank you to Delaware Liberal and other sites who helped advertise the RISE rally. We had over 150 people show up (not an estimate, names on sign-in sheets). Not bad for a lot of older people showing up and staying during a chilling rain. Time for the state legislators to show up and accept their responsibilities to the retirees. RISE invited all sixty two Senators and Reps. to come say hello or speak. Bryan Shupe came over to say hello, Paul Baumbach and Bill Carson came over and spoke to the crowd. County Exec. Matt Myers also gave some strong remarks and former legislators Ray Seigfried and Nancy Wagner spoke in strong opposition to Medicare Advantage. Frequent chant, by crowd, was “Governor Carney don’t you DARE privatize our Medicare” More legal fee donations came in at the event and promises of more to come. GOOD JOB RETIREES and thanks to Lisa Diller, Connie Merlet, AnRae McDonald and the dozen or so others who showed up to help set up and organize.
    John Kowalko

  7. MORE Breaking News: Rep. George Santos has reportedly been indicted by the US Justice Department. The specific charges have not yet been made available.

  8. Andrew C says:


    University of Delaware investigating swastika drawn on poster on English professor’s door

    University of Delaware police are investigating after an English professor found a swastika drawn on a poster that hung on her office door, along with the words “We Are Everywhere.”

    According to an email sent to staff by the chair of the English department, the swastika was spotted Monday morning. It was drawn on a poster promoting a drag performance that the professor organized years ago.

    Both the school’s associate dean and UD police were contacted about the symbol, the email said. Police responded to the professor’s Memorial Hall office and took the poster.

    University Police Chief Patrick Ogden said while a detective was quickly assigned to the case, “everyone from our criminal investigative unit is also following leads on this.” He said police are investigating the drawing as a potential hate crime, given modern-day swastikas are hate symbols.