Mike Castle’s Public Service Career “Grinding to an end”

Filed in National by on August 21, 2007

Nancy Willing covers the Iraq Summer activities to date. This caught my ear…

During the question and answer session (on August 6th) at the end of the (Home Ownership) event, Rudi Batzell, a volunteer with the Iraq Summer Campaign, stood up and asked Mr. Castle how he could justify spending billions of dollars a month in Iraq when hardworking Delawareans couldn’t afford a home and many who owned a home were facing foreclosure. In his response to the question, Castle stated that “this war just needs to grind to the end.”

Hello…? Now Castle’s position is that the war will just peter out over time? Unreal.

In reality world (which Castle seems to have lost touch with) the only thing “grinding to an end” in Iraq are the lives countless Iraqis and the lives of our servicemen who have been treated like so much human refuse by Bush and Castle. In fact on August 6th, maybe as Castle was delivering his crazy-ass remarks, the following lives were “grinding to an end.”

Neiberger, Christopher T. DoD Confirmation Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack Baghdad
Thompson, Jacob M. DoD Confirmation Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack Ba’qubah
Gummersall, Nicholas A. DoD Confirmation Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack Ba’qubah
Alcantara, Juan M. DoD Confirmation Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack Ba’qubah
Khan, Kareem R. Hostile – hostile fire – IED attack Ba’qub

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. kavips says:

    “this congressman just needs to grind to the end….” January 09.

  2. Mr. Castle will be just fine. Just like in CT the few will moan about the war but the majority will realize we must see to a sound conclusion what we start. We can not allow Iraq to become a Somalia–a no man’s land of war and haven for terrorists. We don’t want to be going in and out for the next two generations. We have to bite the bullet now so we won’t swallow it later.

  3. jason330 says:

    the majority will realize we must see to a sound conclusion what we start.


    Where’s the sound conclusion? What does Castle (or any Republican for that matter) offer other than an empty headed resignation to stay because we are there?

    We have to bite the bullet now so we won’t swallow it later.

    Bite what bullet? I have not been asked to sacrifice. Nobody in the Delaware blogopshere has – other than you. America is not at war. The Army is, but we aren’t.

    The biggest sacrifice I’ve been asked to make is to pretend George bush is doing a good job.

  4. Chris says:

    “The biggest sacrifice I’ve been asked to make is to pretend George bush is doing a good job.”

    You haven’t been doing that well at all.

  5. jason330 says:

    I stopped on 9/15.