DL Open Thread Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 15, 2023

The Fulton County grand jury threw the book at Trump, and the book is “Treason for Dummies.” They also lodged charges against 18 other defendants, most notably Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell and the rest of Trump’s collection of crooked lawyers. The dragnet also nailed some of the conspiracy’s fake electors, plus a clutch of shitbags who tried to intimidate state election officials to lie for Trump. The miscreants have until noon on Aug. 25 to turn themselves in or face arrest.

Speaking of drunks, there’s police bodycam video of Dr. Ronny Jackson, the ass clown who claimed Trump weighed 240 pounds – apparently he didn’t make the fat fuck put both feet on the scale – cursing out police after failing to comply with orders to let EMTs deal with a girl having a seizure at a rodeo. One of the highlights of Trump’s indictment is that he won’t have a pet doctor recording his height and weight.

The media lie all the time about the popularity of RWNJs in their effort to make you shit yourself. For example, I’ve read more than one story about how Tucker Carlson is going to run for president, and we should be very afraid because he’s so popular. Yeah, here’s how popular he is: A new biography of Fishstix Hitler sold a grand total of 3,000 copies in its first week on the market. Take away their Fux News soapbox and they disappear like farts in the wind.

I’m sure something else must have happened, but good luck finding it amid all the cackling glee abroad in the land. If you spot something, post it in the comments.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    DEGOP Chair, Julianne Murray, is an attorney and officer of the court. She knows full well that participating in and advancing the GOP’s attacks on the judicial system are grounds for disbarment. I wonder why the Delaware State Bar Association is tolerating this.

    • bamboozer says:

      Agreed, used to think disbarment was all too easy to get in legal, seems I was wrong. And how ’bout that Ronnie Jackson? Tell me the rest of us would not be tazed, cuffed and thrown in the back of a cop car for similar behavior. And finally as noted once their off Fox News their on their way to hate radio and a booth next to Glenn Beck.

    • AA says:

      She has spent what? At least three election cycles at this point peddling conspiracy theories just to make it as far as the chair of the state GOP, when just a year earlier she was about to move to SC because the other kids on the playground didn’t like her. Something tells me her law practice isn’t top of mind for her anyway.

      • puck says:

        I see a post-chair future for her at the Caesar Rodney Institute. Or whatever wingnut welfare is available and funded.

        • Another Mike says:

          She’s already become a regular on the wingnut TV circuit. Not bad for a two-time loser.

  2. Arthur says:

    I don’t want to see Trump arrested and sentenced to jail. i want to see him flee and try to move to a country without extradition agreements and life the rest of his life (4 years) on the lam.

  3. Jason330 says:

    LGM fills in the blanks on some of the lesser known conspirators.

    Jeffrey Clark, top Justice Department official

    Jenna Ellis, Trump campaign lawyer

    Robert Cheeley, lawyer who promoted fraud claims

    Mike Roman, Trump campaign official

    David Shafer, Georgia GOP chair and fake elector

    Shawn Still, fake GOP elector

    Stephen Lee, pastor tied to intimidation of election workers

    Harrison Floyd, leader of Black Voices for Trump

    Trevian Kutti, publicist tied to intimidation of election workers

    Cathy Latham, fake GOP elector tied to Coffee County breach

    Scott Hall, tied to Coffee County election system breach

    Misty Hampton, Coffee County elections supervisor

    Ray Smith, Trump campaign attorney

  4. Jason330 says:

    I’ll add that I don’t know how anyone who claims to be a fucking American can continue to want Trump to be the President of the United States. I don’t see how anyone can still be associated with a political party completely in the hands of criminals.

    For a long time, it appeared that nothing was going to be done about all of Trump’s crimes. Now that Trump is beginning to be treated as the career criminal he’s always been, how can someone like Kevin Hensley remain a Republican?

    • mediawatch says:

      To answer your closing question, Hensley can remain a Republican because nobody outside your district gives a rat’s ass about him.