Kos Diarists “Delaware Dem” Bringing the HEAT

Filed in National by on August 24, 2007

Delaware Dem has been kicking ass over at kos for years, but has focused mainly on national issues.

Given our high profile Congressional election and what is shaping up to be an interesting election season, he is switching that up this year, and will be bring his (and by extension the kos army’s) attention to little old Delaware.

And then there is Delaware’s only Congressman, Mike Castle (R), who is a dinosaur for a number of reasons. He is one of the few Northeastern Republicans left. He is one of the few “moderate” Republicans left. Plus, he is old and frail.

In 2006, rather than getting his customary 70%, he only got 57% against an underfinanced candidate. The local Delaware blogosphere is trying to ramp up a serious challenge to him this year, and I want to join in that effort.

Hence my headlong dive into the local blogging scene. And to be sure, Delaware has some great local blogs. Check my blogroll to the right. Delaware Liberal, Tommywonk, Delaware Watch. But they are not precisely focused on elections, which is what I want to do focus on.

This is awesome news and part of that “nationalizing” of the Castle race which I mentioned in a previous post.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. miles north says:

    Welcome DD! I do quibble with his comment that DE blogs are “infested on occasion by local Republican trolls.”

    I don’t really mind them; they keep us honest and sharp.

    Plus they let us troll their blogs, and fair is fair. It’s kind of a nice feature of the Delaware blogosphere.

    They might be trolls, but they’re OUR trolls.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    It is one of the best features of the local Delaware blogosphere. Even Hube is nice in the absence of a blog posting…

  3. Hube says:

    Oh yeah? YOUR MOM! 😉

  4. “Plus they let us troll their blogs, and fair is fair. It’s kind of a nice feature of the Delaware blogosphere.”

    As BS aside I like Jason because He can take what he dishes out! One thing for sure we should consider ourselvs bless that we are no a one party system.

    Our state legsialtors do a fairly good job and must work together or nobody wins. Up until last year I was quite hard on Senator Sokola in spite of that he was and is always will to sit down with me one on one.

    Some of us take it too the edge and yes a bit disrespectful. It’s all about passion for what we believe in. I don’t believe in sensorship but Kilroy’s draws the line if family members are draw negitively in to the topic. I’ll jsut delete the comment and I’ve only done that twice in the last year and a half. If a candidate can’t take our heat then they won’t survive in office during a real crisis.

    The bull “I’ll Ban you” ,I’ll expose your IP Address and the other crap is for losers.

    Jason keep up the good work. Every dog has it day and every political party has it’s turn on top. The D’s and some R’s are excited that Bush is leaving office and some goes in reverse about Minner leaving office.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    I knew it would piss you off to be outed as the nice guy off-line.

  6. Kilroy Was Here says:

    “Oh yeah? YOUR MOM!”
