DL Open Thread Monday, October 9, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on October 9, 2023

Do House Republicans hand out Speaker of the House bonus points for being a kiddie diddler? Dennis Hastert, former high school wrestling coach, served in the office. Now America’s drooling class wants to put Jim Jordan in the job, and while nobody has implicated him in the actual molestation that took place while he was a college wrestling assistant coach, not many people believe his claim that he saw nossing, nossing while it went on for years. Hey, it worked for that other notable Nazi, Sgt. Schultz.

It’s gonna make a great Hollywood blockbuster some day, but the story of Katalin Karikó winning the Nobel Prize for work that got her demoted by the University of Pennsylvania doesn’t exactly cover our research science establishment with any glory. But it will make a great comeback role for Angelina Jolie.

From the We Are So Fucked file: Climate change is killing the Amazon rain forest. Nobody will pay much attention because it’s gonna be tough to turn into a Hollywood blockbuster.

Something unpleasant is happening in the so-called Holy Land. The only thing we can be certain about is that it’s Joe Biden’s fault.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. delacrat says:

    Me no fan of Jerusalem Joe.

  2. puck says:

    The most believable explanation I’ve heard for why Hamas chose this moment to attack is that they hoped to disrupt the pending recognition of Israel by Saudi Arabia. That would likely lead to a cascade of other countries normalizing relations with Israel, further isolating Hamas, but opening the horizon for a much broader peace and stablization of security and prosperity.

    This also explains Biden’s otherwise baffling cozying up to Saudi provocations.

    The most helpful thing Biden could do now is to help Saudi’s recognition of Israel succeed quickly, denying Hamas a reward for its attack.

    • Clay says:

      More than likely old Bibi was feeling a little threatened by the internal Israeli strife and though a few hundred of his dead countrymen would get everyone back on the same team..classic play, not surprising. There are no oversights in that part of the world. Everything happens for a reason

      • Yep, the Israeli Supreme Court is deciding whether Bibi’s assault on the Israeli Supreme Court is legal.

        He’s gonna wag that dog for all it’s worth.