BREAKING: Chesebro Cops Plea!

Filed in Featured by on October 20, 2023

5 years probation; $5K restitution; truthful testimony in all relevant trials, video proffer to state, which he has completed; no communication with any other defendants.

Looks like those criticizing DA Fani Willis’ decision to try all these defendants under state RICO laws were, to put it mildly, premature.  Cheseboro’s is the first felony guilty plea in the Georgia cases.


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  1. ben says:

    Im guessing the plea deals get worse in order of who takes em. Powell got out of it without a felony, cheeseyman didnt.

    A more naive man might even see a glimmer of hope. I suppose there’s always the chance they will conveniently forget everything on the stand and aim for a mistrial or something to save DearLeader, but it’s just possible that actual dominoes are falling.

    Also, it’s entirely possible that the Magat caucus’ speaker drama is a stunt to pull attention from the trial. They do, after all, only exists to serve trmp .

    • They can’t forget what they know when put on the stand. The plea deals are contingent on cooperation, and they’ve already proffered much of what they know. If they backtrack, the deals go away.

      • ben says:

        oh of course, but causing an enormous spectacle in the hope of a mistrial and the ensuing delay, in the hopes trmp becomes president again is likely their best option for totally avoiding the proverbial “rhymes with moose”. Remember these people have absolutely 0 respect for … or desire to follow.. any law. Im sure DA Willis has accounted for this… im just ready for a nightmare of a trial.

  2. Arthur says:

    I really dont want them to offer giuliana a plea. i want to see him drug through the streets, shredded and humiliated and penniless at the end