
Filed in National by on February 23, 2009

To whoever recommended reading “Assassination Vacation.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. a. price says:

    you’re welcome 🙂 If you haven’t seen, or heard the soundtrack to the musical “Assassins” either it is a sure bet you’ll like it if you enjoyed the book. not to turn this into a book club, but lets hope the GOP doesn’t get a hold of the 1880 Republican platform that “every man who killed union soldiers and loved slavery was a Democrat”

  2. Mrs XStryker says:

    I am unworthy of your love, a. price darlin’.

  3. Lee Brill says:

    The only thing better than reading Sarah Vowell is hearing her read her own work.

  4. A wonderful book — if a bit macabre.

    And as for the 1880 platform — it was a fairly accurate statement. And let us not forget that the Democrats remain the only major political party in US history to have its own paramilitary terrorist wing.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Oh jeebus

  6. a. price says:

    oh mrs xstryker, so nice too see another sondheim fan… but does this make me charlie manson?

  7. a. price says:

    site your source Rhymes

  8. cassandra_m says:

    He doesn’t have one and still can’t come to grips with the evidence produced yesterday that the paramilitary wing he keeps citing now belongs lock stock and barrel to the Republican Party.