Trump: Guilty Times 34!!

Filed in Featured by on May 30, 2024

Found guilty on all counts!!:



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  1. Andrew C says:

    Twitter is a fun place to be right now, at least for one shining moment.

  2. I blew off a rehearsal for a Beatles sing-along in Arden to, um, celebrate.

    Felt guilty, but the wine’s taking over…

  3. Jason says:

    The Beginning of the End for Trump? He is a loser-y loser who lost. Is this the little bit of water over the dam? All the bluster about how this is GREAT for Trump stinks of desperation to me.

  4. Jason says:

    From LGM:

    What Donald Trump requires of his supporters, and most especially of his supporters in the Republican political establishment, is that they live a lie. That lie is to claim that Trump is something other than what he so obviously is, which is the most corrupt and most unworthy of office major politician in the history of this country.

    If conservatives were to face up to what Trump is, and to what his takeover of the Republican party signifies, they would have to also face up to the fact that their entire ideology — indeed their very sense of self — is nothing but a gigantic lie. Naturally they aren’t going to do that until circumstances force them to do so.

  5. mediawatch says:

    Republicans have, more or less, 290 elected governors, senators and representatives. You would think they could find one who is not a convicted felon to head their ticket.

  6. Arthur says:

    Trumps guilty charge doesn’t excite me. He’s just the guy who kicked the first domino over. From there is still a long line of legitimate threats to our country