DL Open Thread Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on June 11, 2024

Ever wonder why the American public opposes Israel’s war on Gaza but its elected representatives are for it? Here’s why: AIPAC funneled money from Republican donors to Democratic candidates more than any other organization. Shalom my ass.

In a tape made surreptitiously, SCOTUS justice Sam Alito admitted his Christian nationalism, telling his interviewer that compromise with the left isn’t possible, which explains his record of voting with the conservative litigant 100% of the time – no hyperbole, it’s actually every single time. I can’t put it any better than the Atlantic’s Norman Ornstein did: “Utterly unethical, corrupt, a serial liar, and a radical lacking every element of judicial temperament. This monster does not belong in civil society, much less on any court, much much less on the Supreme Court.”

One of the many ironic things about our so-called Christians is their exclusionary nature, the exact opposite of what the Bible character they supposedly revere preached. The latest target of their ire: Dolly freaking Parton, of all people, apparently because she doesn’t condemn LGBT+ folks. For the record, the character Jesus said exactly zero about homosexuality.

People debate whether Trumpism will survive Trump. I tend to think not, because I don’t think they can find someone with the same appeal to know-nothings who watch reality TV, but this article makes a convincing case that Trump is a terrorist and his brand of terror will live on, whether or not it’s called fascism. Today’s must-read.

People are starting to tumble to the fact that plastic is not the unalloyed boon they used to think it was. The attitude shift is showing up in a growing number of governmentssuing over plastic pollution, and not just in California. I expect Delaware’s DINO congressional brigade to come down squarely in the polluters’ corner. Go ahead, Coonsy and LBR, prove me wrong.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Mrs. Alito gets her knickers in a knot over Teh Gay Flag:


    “In the recording, Martha-Ann Alito also committed to flying a “Sacred Heart of Jesus” flag at her homes this month to protest the display of an LGBTQ Pride flag nearby. The Sacred Heart of Jesus flag is a symbol associated with the Christian right wing, specifically used to protest Pride.”

  2. Dee Durham says:

    Thanks for highlighting the need for Congressional action on plastic pollution and waste issues. Plastic Free Delaware is also hoping that Delaware’s AG will join New York’s AG in suing the largest polluters as mentioned in the linked article. It is past time for producers to take responsibility.

    Yesterday’s WaPo article might also be of interest to DL readers:

    Here is a list of just some of the bills that our federal delegation should be supporting:

    H.R. 6654/S.3440 – Farewell to Foam Act
    • Ban on expanded polystyrene food service ware, loose fill and coolers

    H.R. 4040/S.1194 – Recycling Composting and Accountability Act
    • Related bill (S.1194) passed in Senate
    • Establish comprehensive baseline data for the U.S. recycling system
    • Also instructs EPA to prepare a report describing the capability of the U.S. to implement a national composting strategy

    H.R. 6159 – Recycling Infrastructure and Accessibility Act
    • Related bill (S.1189) passed in Senate
    • Require the EPA to establish a pilot grant program for improving recycling accessibility in communities

    H.R. 4561/S.2728 – Reducing Wastes in National Parks Act
    • Encourage reduction of disposable plastic products in units of the National Park system

    H.R. 7634/S.2337 – Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act
    • Prohibit discharges of plastic pellets and other preproduction plastic waste into waters of the U.S.

    H.R. 6053/S.3127 – Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act
    • Require large corporations to take responsibility for their pollution
    • Establish source reduction targets for single-use plastics
    • Create a nationwide beverage container refund program

    S. 3026, H.R. 4936 – Nonrestrictive Offshore Wind Act (NOW Act)
    • would advance the urgently needed energy transition and free offshore wind energy from a legal tie to destructive oil and gas

    H.R.5657/S.2889 NO TIME TO Waste Act

  3. Joe Connor says:

    So, Nathan Fields who happens to be my Councilperson has dropped lan ordinance to ban protests at the homes of electeds. Word is it was at Coon’s request. What a pair of snowflakes!
    From Shane’ Darby:
    Nathan Field has an ordinance tonight that wants to stop people from protesting at elected officials house.
    Specifically Senator Coons home because the people who live there don’t want to be disturbed by the protestors!
    The protestors are asking for Coons to stop supporting genocide of people! Instead of working to get Coons to NOT support genocide, CM Nathan Fields and his neighbors in the 8th wants the protestors to protest somewhere else!
    It will be heard in the Public Safety committee tonight at 5pm. This is who serves on the committee:
    Yolanda Carter McCoy
    James Spadola
    Chris Johnson
    Zanthia Oliver
    Al Mills
    Trippi Congo

    • Man, that guy is so touchy–and so out of touch. Betcha he makes it a point to get into the picture w/Bibi during Netanyahu’s shameful outing before Congress.

  4. Andrew C says:

    Hunter guilty.

    That’s it. I’m not voting for him.

  5. Beverly C says:

    Hunter’s guilty: Will the Maggots still claim the American judicial system is being corrupted by President Biden? Can’t wait to hear their logic on this one…btw, Hunter deserves whatever he gets. So what if other folks get away with breaking this law; an aggressive driver passed me today on the road in a 35 mph zone; he was doing 80 I believe. Nobody arrested him. Doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be if he gets caught. Some fish avoid the nets, others don’t. We don’t stop fishing.

    • mediawatch says:

      How about: “Biden is so eager to weaponize the Justice Department that he’ll put his own kid in jail” or “the Biden Crime Family is so evil that it’s impossible for Sleepy Joe to protect his own.”

  6. BLT says:

    Navarro back in court again for his usual antics: harassment and bullying. He’s already cost the state millions for his behavior.


    • I’d feel better about this suit if Ron Poliquin wasn’t the plaintiff’s attorney.

      • BLT says:

        Agreed. We really need someone better to run for Insurance Commissioner. The last person to dignify that office was Matt Denn in my opinion. Sadly, Kayode isn’t the right guy for the job.