General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thursday, June 13, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 13, 2024

SB 313 (Townsend) is on today’s Senate Agenda.  Wanna know why it’s gonna pass?:

Why does this matter? Money. In fiscal year 2023, corporations and other entities such as limited liability corporations paid Delaware about $1.86 billion in franchise taxes and fees. This amounts to nearly 30% of state revenues for last year, more than any other revenue source except personal income tax.

Now, you can argue that Delaware needs to do more to diversify its revenue sources, and I would agree.  But, as long as our dependence on corporate revenue continues, the General Assembly will pass ’emergency’ legislation like SB 313.  Even if it turns out to suck.

Here’s yesterday’s Session Activity Report.

Today’s Senate Agenda also features SS3/SB 4(Pinkney), which would significantly reform Delaware’s probation and parole policies.   Several other estimable bills, previously discussed, are on the Agenda.  They include SS1/SB 180 (Gay)SB 300 (Gay); and SS1/SB 301 (Gay).  (Hey, whaddaya want me to do?  Yes, I’m supporting her for Lt. Governor, but she’s also sponsoring great bills.)

We also have SB 311 (Sokola).  John Kowalko’s cut-and-paste screed aside, this is looking more like a piece of pro forma legislation. I guess the roll call will tell us.

Some good bills on today’s House Agenda as well.  HB 311 (Romer) ‘adds post-secondary colleges and universities to the Safe School Zone criminal offense so that any person who knowingly possesses a firearm, as defined in Title 11, while in or on a college or university facility or campus may be charged with this additional offense.  Lobbying against that bill has been the team of Scott and Rebecca Kidner on behalf of their clients, the National Shooting Sports Foundation.  You know who they are?  The firearm industry trade association.  The Kidners have lobbied on behalf of them on, count ’em, 20 bills this session. So, um, Trey, you may consider them close personal friends, but they lobby on behalf of the indefensible.  No one, pardon the expression, pointed a gun at the Kidners’ heads to do this, they have chosen to do so.  So spare me your defense of lobbying bundling parties.  We square?  One more note for people with a conscience.  You know where this Foundation calls home?  Newtown, Ct.

But, I digress.  I also like HB 319 (Morrison), which seeks to limit nepotism in state employment and supervision.  My Wife The Pharmacist tells me that HS1/HB383 (Harris) is an excellent bill.  There are also some excellent, if less controversial, bills on the House Consent Agendas.

All in all, an ambitious day in Dover.

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  1. Arthur says:

    What ever happened to that big kerfuffle a while back about the back pay amounting to a ton of money to legislators that got people in an uproar for about 10 minutes?

  2. puck says:

    About that pro forma SB 311… A charter school sinecure would be a great consolation prize for a retiring or defeated legislator.

  3. The MoMo says:

    SB 3, Amending the Constitution relating to voting, failed in the House yesterday. 10 No’s and 6 Not Voting including at-risk R’s Hensley and Smith. Ramone goes Not Voting as well. A sponsor voted no, so they can bring it back, but it may fail again at this rate. Yearick gave a little speech about how the GOP liked their voting bill better, but not much debate before the vote.