DL Open Thread Monday, June 24, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on June 24, 2024

Somebody must have spiked Sen. Chris Coons’ breakfast on Sunday, because he went on Fox News and freaked out the host by pointing out that Trump is a convicted felon. The host’s flustered reaction might put Coons’ status as Fox’s favorite Democrat in question.

Before getting too excited about Coons acting like a Democrat for a change, let’s see how he behaves when Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress today. Many Democrats intend to boycott the event. I doubt Coons will join them, but who knows where this new tough-guy persona might lead?

Climate protesters took a break from throwing soup at paintings to break out smoke bombs at Sunday’s PGA golf tournament, raiding the 18th green as the leaders were finishing their round. I applaud this change in tactics on the grounds that golf contributes to global warming a lot more than art does.

Remember when Lauren Boebert’s notoriety forced her to flee her Colorado representative district and run for election in the district next door? At that point it looked like her days in Congress were numbered, but her desperation move now has a good chance of working. The seat next door is open, and eight other candidates are on the primary ballot, so even though Boebert is polling at 40%, she’s far ahead of the rest of the field (this is why I still consider Bethany Hall-Long the favorite in Delaware’s gubernatorial race). The silver lining: Marjorie Taylor Greene, recognizing a rival for Crazy Queen of Congress, hates her guts.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Jarvis says:

    I agree that fouling up art and Stonehenge is cringey. Golf is a pittance compared to the resource demands of artificial intelligence and data centers. Maybe their next targets should be Sam Altman and Jeff bezos. Would love to see them take one right to the kisser for being genuinely awful and destructive to human beings.

  2. May says:

    Trump is obviously awful, but this convicted felon narrative is not good. There are already so many people with a felony record who are reintegrating into the community and they should not be dehumanized by language like this. Why should they vote for someone who clearly has so much disdain for them?

    • You’re kidding, right?

      Guy hasn’t served a day. Oh, and he’s running for President.

    • puck says:

      He’s an unrepentant convicted felon who promises to do his crimes again, this time with a better-organized gang. I think the other convicted felons will understand.

    • John Kowalko says:

      Nobody! NOBODY! has disdain for people with a felony record, reintegrating into the community, who are committed to reforming their behavior. Please don’t refer to dehumanizing the subspecies of human that Trump is. He is unrepentant and has chosen to commit crimes that continue to harm our democracy and the American public. He has chosen his path of treason and abuse of power with absolutely no regrets or remorse. He continues to support the thousands of traitors and seditionists who attacked police and despoiled our nation’s Capitol on January 6th. His history is one of a narcissistic abuser of innocent people who feels he is above the law. He has earned one thing in his pathetic life and that is “DISDAIN”.

    • Alby says:

      “I don’t mind this guy fucking me over because he’s a felon too!” does not seem to me like a very large voting bloc.

    • Andrew C says:

      As a convicted felon still trying to piece my life back together 10 years later, I more than most people am sickened and angered by this narrative, as repentance and forgiveness are necessary prerequisites for integrating back into society and making the best of things. If you can’t do that, then you should continue to be ostracized and shamed, as every Democrat (and reasonable person) should be doing to Trump every chance they get.