Battle of the Blogs is On

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 21, 2007

Over at First State Lunatics, Dave Burris has recognized the superiority of As an homage to our excellent situation here, Dave has added some brethren of his own. MOTNewbie has changed his name to MOTSmitty. A new blogger named Jeff Mapson goes by the name AboveTheCanalPolitics. We here at DelawareLiberal.Net welcome these guys to the blogosphere. It’s going to be a fun summer.

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  1. FSP says:

    WHAP!!!! BLAMM!!!!! BOOM!!!! KA-POWW!!!!!! and all those other fun Batman word-sounds.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    I like it. I am thinking of changing my avatar appropriately. I think that means that you guys are the Riddler, the Penguin and TwoFace. I’ll let you sort out which is which.

  3. abovethecanalpolitics says:

    LOL- you can keep TwoFace… he fits in perfectly with your party. 😀

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Welcome ATCP. I didn’t start the analogy, I’m just taking it to its logical endpoint. I notice that your avatar is the symbol for the riddler, so perhaps you have chosen. 🙂

  5. abovethecanalpolitics says:

    Actually, still figuring it all out while finishing up finals, writing papers, working 2 jobs, and seeing the girlfriend who is belowthecanal. I’ll work on it though- just for you!

  6. steamboat willy says:

    volume, not quality of content is what sparked the comparison.

  7. Disbelief says:

    Well, it is noted that FSP has recognized Delaware Liberal as the competition; the goal to be attained; the blog of blogs; the pinnacle of postings. Kind of like how the DE GOP wishes it was the Del Dems in terms of content and substance.

  8. abovethecanalpolitics says:

    Remind me… What content and substance makes up the Delaware Democratic Party? The only REAL substance I see going on in Dover right now is a desire to raise taxes and fees across the board- impacting at the lowest common denominator. You got me… I’m extreeeeeemely jealous…

  9. Disbelief says:

    Yup. them damn dems only raise taxes. All they’ve done. Yup. wish we had our good ol’ boy atkins back. He’d show ’em what fer.

  10. donviti says:

    i’m waiting for the Clinton bullet to be fired….