‘Bulo And BHL Find Common Ground?

Filed in National by on July 10, 2024

On this?  Yes, I think so.  From what is purportedly the Berkshire Hathaway ‘business wire’:

DOVER, Del.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Today, Citizens for a New Delaware Way, a new Political Action Committee,announced its plans to spend upwards of $1 million ahead of the coming Delaware Primary Election in September and General Election in November.

Aiming to address the failures in promoting judicial diversity and transparency of Governor John Carney’s administration, the PAC plans to steer the 2024 Gubernatorial Election toward candidates that will commit to putting an end toward the broken ‘Delaware Way’ and toward a more equitable government.

“Our state is at a critical juncture, and it’s time for bold leadership that prioritizes the needs of our diverse communities,” said Judicial Reform Activist Keandra McDole. “Under Governor Carney, Delaware has faced numerous challenges, from economic stagnation to inadequate healthcare access that hurts Black and brown Delawareans the most. I’m encouraged that Citizens for a New Delaware Way has formed to drive much-needed change that will make our state stronger and more just.”

While the PAC is yet to finalize its endorsements for the upcoming elections, it has announced its intent to begin by opposing the gubernatorial campaign of current State Lieutenant Governor, Bethany Hall-Long, whose track record of upholding the rigged “Delaware Way,” failure to support judicial diversity as Lieutenant Governor, and campaign finance scandals render her unfit to be the next Governor of Delaware.

Said TransPerfect Founder and President Phil Shawe, “I am proud to support this effort—as I know firsthand about the devastation a corrupt Chancery Court can do to entrepreneurs and businesses. This court falsely seized TransPerfect for nearly half a decade—forced us to pay its custodian $50 million—and made me a corporate ’Edmond Dantes’ in the process. In the end, we were vindicated. Our management team pulled together, fought valiantly and eventually saved the company—but we don’t want to ever see another American business suffer the same injustice of Chancery’s unchecked power.”

The PAC’s launch signifies a rallying cry for change, inviting citizens across Delaware to join the movement towards a brighter future. As the gubernatorial elections loom closer, the PAC promises to amplify the voices of those seeking meaningful reform and progress for the First State.

Well, no, they weren’t vindicated.  This is but the cynical effort of one man to turn his personal vendetta into something more.  The Usual Suspects in the Black Community have made a covenant of convenience with this guy.  Including Reverend Al.  Every time I warm up to the notion of Velda as Mayor, shit like this reminds me of why I am so ambivalent.

Yes, it’s true that BHL’s coterie represents the worst of the Delaware Way and includes virtually every suspect from the white power elite.  And, yes, it’s true that the bullshit way that Delaware selects its judges has tended to keep the judiciary within that select elite.  Because, ‘elites’ make the recommendations to the Governor.  That should, and must, change.  Doesn’t change the fact that Shawe has hooked up with just another band of opportunists, many of whom have traded on their inside connections for financial gain.  A plague on both their houses.

I guess the inevitable question is: “El Som, if you’re so hell-bent on defeating Bethany, why don’t you embrace this movement?”  Good question.  I’ll have to think about it.

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  1. Stewball says:

    One of the few photos I’ve seen of O’Mara in public was of him at a press conference organized by the same group behind the PAC. Will be interesting to see if some of the ads directly support him.

  2. Hmm says:

    If a petty lunatic wants to spend their money to embarrass John carney and beat Bethany hall long, I don’t really care. I personally don’t see the problem with it. And voters really really don’t care. They don’t care about transperfrt and they don’t care about the pearl clutching of the corporate bar – many of whom are aligned with Bethany and may be operating pacs on her behalf.

    All they are going to see are ads about Bethany stealing from donors, running secret section 8 housing units obtained with insider information, abusing and misusing public funds intended for victims of substance abuse,,,,, the list goes on. I’m fine with that.

    • I get it. But those ads could easily be run by either Meyer or O’Mara, both of whom have the funds to do so.

      This is one of those ‘Is the enemy of my enemy a friend’ questions.

      When said person is Phil Shawe, I can’t answer with a ‘yes’.

      • Alby says:

        Nope, nope, nope. A piece of shit is a piece of shit, and if you pick one up your hands are covered in shit.

        Include me out.

  3. John says:

    They already endorsed Meyer. From Karl Baker, quoting Kendra McDole, who is their person in Delaware and is in the release above:

    “We need a governor in a position that we can work with,” McDole said during the rally. “And, that’s Matt Meyer.”

    (link: https://spotlightdelaware.org/2024/05/07/omara-governor-profile/)

  4. Joe Connor says:

    Keandra is now Keandra Ray FYI. She had the stroke to bring Al Sharpton to town FYI:)

  5. Mick says:

    The individuals involved in the TransPerfect case need to let it go.