Song of the Day 7/16: Dexys Midnight Runners, “Come On Eileen”

Filed in National by on July 16, 2024

I’m no lawyer, but I’ve read enough commentary on Judge Aileen Cannon’s dismissal of Trump’s stolen document trial to know it’s got no basis in American jurisprudence. Will she be reversed on appeal? Tune in for another exciting episode of “As the Despot Turns”!

I confess to an irrational hatred of this song, which is weird, because it didn’t bother me back in 1982, when it reached No. 1 in the UK and Australia as well as the U.S. Granted, the band’s fake-hayseed image – look, we’re all wearing overalls! – was grating from the first, as is its Song-That-Doesn’t-End repetitiveness. But at some point in the past 20 years I started to find it insufferable. Maybe because after 40-odd years, I feel like Eileen should just get it over with and let us all move on.

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