DL Open Thread Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on July 31, 2024

Everyone knows the story of the emperor’s new clothes, but I think they miss the point of it. As Hans Christian Andersen told it, two con-men told the king their cloth was invisible to stupid people, so everyone pretended they saw it to avoid appearing stupid. It took a child to blurt out that he was naked. But everyone forgets the end of the story: The emperor carries on as if nothing had happened.

I was reminded of this by the Republican reaction to Weirdgate. In case you’ve been bingeing the Olympics and missed it, Democrats, led by Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, began calling Republicans “weird.” It turned the politiscape on its head. It went viral, in large part because they are weird. Why are they obsessed with other people’s genders and sex lives? Why are they obsessed with forced birth? Why do they want to ban contraception? And it back-footed conservatives, who have tried to carry on as if nobody was aware of their nakedness. Shouting back, “No, you’re weird” and running pictures of trans people just reminds everybody that you’re a bunch of sexually insecure bigots.

Speaking of sexually insecure bigots, Elon Musk’s husk of Twitter suspended the White Dudes for Harris account after it raised $4 million and refused to say why. Yet almost all so-called legitimate journalists continue to use what’s now a propaganda platform.

The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, its toxic plan for a fascist takeover of the United States, has turned out to be – who could have guessed? – wildly unpopular. Donald Trump keeps saying he hasn’t read it, which I totally believe, but it was assembled by dozens of people who were in his administration and hope to be again. It didn’t help, so now they shitcanned the guy who came up with the brilliant idea of gathering all the nuts of the forest, no matter how rancid.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. puck says:

    Sofa king weird.

    • EverySeatIsALoveSeat says:

      HAHAHA! I tip my hat to you for the JD Vance joke!

      That story has unfortunately been disproven but there’s no reason not to enjoy a laugh at the expense of an aspiring fascist.

      Those memes are great 🙂

  2. Rufus Y Kneedog says:

    I also believe Trump hasn’t read Project 2025 – I paged through it looking for tax policy positions. It’s 900 pages long, it’s hard to believe many people would have the fortitude to get all the way through it.
    I suspect the people who wrote it are recalling the first 100 days of the Trump administration in 2017, the country was essentially rudderless. No one expected Trump to win including Trump himself and he entered office without any real plan. This thing is a “fighting the last war” kind of attempt to steal the agenda.
    The problem with it is that Trump is not really a conservative, he has no real political or moral compass at all. He is smart enough to recognize that Project 2025 is political plutonium for anyone trying to win a national election and is distancing himself from it.

    • Alby says:

      No, he’s trying to distance himself from it. It’s not succeeding, but it’s nice to hear all the people who actually want to enact it pretending they don’t. The only people who will even pretend to believe them are reporters.

  3. anon says:

    More bad news for the BHL campaign….

    Two top campaign advisors quit:


    (the article is fairly kind to BHL’s campaign, but when you get down to it…..her top two staffers both quit six weeks before the election………clearly there is more stuff very wrong in that campaign)

    AND Erik Raser Schramm, one of the absolute luminaries of Delaware politics, officially endorses Matt Meyer.


    And still the Delaware establishment will continue to gaslight the state and pretend there’s nothing to see here…

    • Wow, that Karl Baker story deserves to be read by everybody.

      These are perhaps the two key campaign people. There’s some real shit going on in this campaign.

      I also found THIS interesting. Got an e-mail from the Party from Travis Williams. See if you can spot what is missing in this intriguing excerpt:

      “July 10: We proudly endorsed our powerhouse slate for statewide office including Lisa Blunt Rochester, Sarah McBride, and Kyle Evans Gay. This team is ready to fight for Delaware!”