Has The Delaware Democratic Party Dropped Its Endorsement Of BHL?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 31, 2024

And/or are they just downplaying it?

I ask because I got the following blurb from the Party regarding what happened in July:


July was a quiet month for Delaware Democrats… said no one ever! 😅 If you blinked, you might have missed the whirlwind of political milestones we just experienced. Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane:

  • July 1: Along ideological lines, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6–3 in Trump v. United States, handing Trump absolute immunity for his actions as president. This ruling only underscores the stakes of our fight to defend democracy.
  • July 2: We introduced Frederick Bell as the Delaware Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign Director. He’s leading the charge to ensure every single Democrat in Delaware is ready to win this November.
  • July 10: We proudly endorsed our powerhouse slate for statewide office including Lisa Blunt Rochester, Sarah McBride, and Kyle Evans Gay. This team is ready to fight for Delaware!

OK, I’ll stop there and spare you the plea for money.  The story is that nowhere in the e-mail does the name Bethany Hall-Long appear.  Meaning, either the Party is hoping that uninformed people will contribute unaware that part of their contribution will go to help BHL, or the Party is reconsidering the endorsement.

So, either the Party is listening to the rank-and-file, or they’re engaged in yet another cynical exercise in misleading the rank-and-file.

Biggest unforced error since Betsy’s dad pushed through an endorsement of John Carney over Jack Markell.



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  1. Herm says:

    I have never been more motivated to become active in Delaware politics now to support Matt Meyer after this most ridiculous endorsement of BHL. Parties should not be endorsing in primaries. Especially to endorse people doing crimes over reasonably good candidates like Meyer. Enough with the 24 people out of 900,000 that think they speak for us. Meyer for GOv all the way!

  2. Stewball says:

    No, no, no jackass.