..am not!…am too!

Filed in National by on September 4, 2007


Hube, I guess, lives in a cave or something.

Check this out.

On a related note, Last year at this time the number of Americans killed in Iraq surpassed the number of Ameicans killed on 9/11.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. And this compares how to Saddam? It is a mental game as unsavory and unendorsed by command as it was. Notice the wires are unconnected. Try again Crackhead. The United States did not take over for Saddam and your saying so is the height of treachery.

  2. jason330 says:

    Treachery? That sounds like treason.

    Well, come and get me FBI. I’d love to bring the question of are the Iraqi’s better off now or under Saddam to court.

  3. miles north says:

    Notice the wires are unconnected.

    “Ha, ha, the gun was unloaded! Let’s all go have a smoothee.”

  4. Hube says:

    Dude, thanks for proving just how far gone you really are. First it took you several days to “admit” that 9/11 wasn’t really an inside job, now you’re calling our troops “terrorists” that are worse than Saddam. And why? All b/c of a few a**holes involved in Abu Ghraib.

    Get some help, pronto.

    I’d love to bring the question of are the Iraqi’s better off now or under Saddam to court.

    While you’re at it, maybe we can go back and ask some southern slaves whether they were better off before or during the Civil War.


  5. jason330 says:

    now you’re calling our troops “terrorists” that are worse than Saddam.

    Please. I’m doing no such thing. I’m calling Bush a terrorist. Are ytou saying he is not?

  6. anon says:

    Jason conveniently forgets that we painted a school in Iraq.

  7. No Bush is not. The terrorist are the ones blowing up bombs at marketplaces, mosques and schools. I would take the worst crime by the A. G. prison crowd over the best week under Saddam.

    You are a demagouge of treachery, sir. It is a shame to have people behave like this in time of war.

  8. jason330 says:

    The terrorist are the ones blowing up bombs at marketplaces, mosques and schools.

    So a terrorists blows up a marketplace or a school – but since we only blow up bridges, power plants, water treatment facilities we are not terrorists.

    Got it!

    I would take the worst crime by the A. G. prison crowd over the best week under Saddam.

    Easy for you to say since your life was not impacted by either.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

  9. Hube says:

    Here is what you said, pea-brain:

    Saddam Hussein no longer terrorized the world or his own people. We had taken over that role.

    “We” is a plural pronoun. IOW, it doesn’t mean just George Bush. It means the “United States” and/or the “US military” which MAY also include George Bush. Too late to backtrack from your scumminess now.

  10. miles north says:

    There is only one thing worse than Saddam, and that is removing Saddam without a plan for stability.

    Bush is not off the hook just because most of the violence is Iraqi-on-Iraqi. If you don’t think the US has served as an instrument of terror in Iraq, just ask the widows and the orphans.

  11. jason330 says:

    Backtrack my ass. I feel like I have blood on my hands. The fact that you don’t speaks volumes.

    If you want to avoid being confused about all of this in the future don’t substitute “the troops” when you mean “you and I.”

    Part of the problem with this war is that people like you and I are so well insulated from it.

  12. Von Cracker says:

    Subject: Bush

    Jason: Bush = Terrorist

    Hube: Bush = Freedom Fighter

    Me: I guess the old statement still applies that one man’s Jason is another man’s Hube. 😉

  13. G Rex says:

    “Part of the problem with this war is that people like you and I are so well insulated from it.”

    I would argue that it’s the opposite; we’re watching this war on TV like a football game, complete with Madden doing color commentary. If a convoy gets ambushed, we learn about it 15 minutes later, with a full tally of injuries and fatalities, often accompanied with a video of the attack courtesy of al Jazeera. If we’d had this kind of press coverage on D-Day, Americans would be horrified at the sight of dead paratroopers hanging from the rooftops of St. Lo, swiftly followed by some Congressman calling for Eisenhower’s head.

    No, the problem with this war is that we get to see the sausage being made.

  14. jason330 says:

    Ike had a plan and he also had his resignation letter written out and in his jacket pocket. He was ready to take responsibility for failure.

    Where is the plan for Iraq? Where is the accountability?

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Wrong. We would be proud that we were taking on a true despot. In this case, we are fighting a battle that is destined for failure. In WWII we had a real opponent, a bad guy and an enemy that we could identify and defeat. In Iraq, we have a civilian enemy. In Iraq, we have a civil war. In Iraq, we make enemies faster than we destroy them. In Iraq, todays friend is tomorrows enemy.

    America doesn’t shy away from a ‘just’ war, we shy away from ‘dumb’ wars.

  16. G Rex says:

    Rummy’s “small footprint” strategy failed, so Rummy’s out. There’s accountability for ya. Petraeus’ surge is working much better, despite what Harry Reid thinks. The Iraqi government hasn’t met their benchmarks, but they have more breathing room to do so. There’s your plan.