Rush Seeks to ‘Own Women’

Filed in National by on February 26, 2009

Some things El Somnambulo can’t make up. Rush Limbaugh, confronted with polling showing an exceedingly large gender gap in his radio audience , is convening a summit to find out how he can ‘own women’, which, El Somnambulo thinks, should tell you something right there.

Perhaps Limbaugh’s issues stem from quotes like this:

– “She’s actually a very smart cat. She gets loved. She gets adoration. She gets petted. She gets fed. And she doesn’t have to do anything for it, which is why I say this cat’s taught me more about women, than anything my whole life.” 11-30-06

– “He’s trying to figure out how he can get involved in the deal down there at Duke where the lacrosse team…supposedly, you know, raped, some, uh, hos.” 3-31-06

– “You know, there’s a crisis of young man-boy education in the schools. And they did this on purpose, to eliminate male competition in the work force. This is part of feminazi grand plan.” 5-21-08

– “Classic example of the castrati, the new castrati. Jack Carter is — has beencastrated by the feminization of this culture since he grew up.” 2-21-06

– “I just heard Erin Burnett sounding a little wifey. … Well [she was] whining.” 10-23-07

El Somnambulo smells publicity stunt b/c El Somnambulo knows that this summit will have zero positive impact. As it should.

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  1. pandora says:

    This will end in a huff, unless someone can visualize Rush listening and then admitting he’s made sexist/offensive comments.

    Ain’t gonna happen, because Rush (I’m not like those other addicts and my divorces don’t count) Limbaugh never “owns” his mistakes – he just spins them.

  2. a. price says:

    oh man, that post was so very filling and delicious… I don’t think i have room for breakfast. .. why is this fat ass-tard still on the air?!

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    You know what he should do – he should do more imitations of people facing terrible diseases like Parkinson’s. We women just eat that stuff up.

  4. pandora says:

    Rush may want to expand that summit. His popularity gap extends well beyond gender.

    Actually, this link might explain this latest stunt.

  5. jason330 says:

    I own the men, and what must I do now to own women? And who better to ask than women? Including some of those who may agree that that I’m unfavorable.

    There is no subtext to his statement that he owns the men. He wasn’t using hyperbole or humor, simply stating the facts as he knows them.

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    Jason, do you feel owned by Rush?

  7. cassandra m says:

    Pandora, that link also explains why Team Obama reminded folks (right in the middle of the Repub obstructionist BS) that you can’t listen to Limbaugh and get anything done.

    I love that his popularity ratings are less than Jeremiah Wright AND Bill Ayers. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Congressional repubs cower in front of this fool at their peril. The rest of the world already knows that Comedian Rush Limbaugh is paid a very great deal of money to lie to his audience. And bending over backwards for these low information voters seems like a sucker’s bet.

  8. jason330 says:

    I am, in fact, blogging from a giant mason jar in Rush’s basement.

  9. Dorian Gray says:

    I can’t believe he’s still using the ‘feminazi’ thing. It’s so tired. He has been doing the same wore-out shtick since 1992. I used to listen actually when I was an undergrad. It’s funny because I use to make the same “conservative” arguments with professors when I was in college. Don’t tax the rich; they are the most “productive”. They create jobs. Government is “the problem”. Social programs reward laziness… etc., etc., and then I turned 20 and started reading books.

    I guess some people never really mature.

    “I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative.”

    -John Stuart Mill

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    So Rush is trying to say he actually wants to listen to women criticize him. I won’t even give him the time of day, his opinion is so unimportant to me.

  11. a. price says:

    but it SHOULD be. that is what he is saying. if you don’t agree with Rush and are a womyn, you have either been brain washed by the San Fan Nancy Feminazi conspiracy to deny Rush sex or, you are PART of the San Fran Nancy Feminazi conspiracy to deny Rush sex

  12. Unstable Isotope says:

    I believe I am part of the conspiracy to deny Rush sex.

  13. nemski says:

    I believe I am part of the conspiracy to deny Rush sex.

    I’m with you on that one as well. I’m sure it is a universal thing of women and men denying Rush sex.

  14. Von Cracker says:

    Rush (besides being the leader of the GOP) is nothing more than a wanna-be shock jock who has to pay for sex, be it cash-mo-nay or lavish gifts.

    And he thinks he’ll ever understand women?

  15. Von Cracker says:

    Though wasn’t one of those talking head Kagans – the one with the male name and horseface – jacklifting Rush’s gutfat recently?

    I guess you can’t account for ideology tweaked with daddy issues…

  16. pandora says:

    Sorry, Rush, we’re just not that into you. Real women would never tolerate a Rush job.

  17. Unstable Isotope says:

    LOL pandora!

  18. While El Somnambulo generally deplores this thread sinking into the fetid swamp of double entendre, he wants his legion of female fans to understand that he is ‘built for comfort, not for speed.’

    Just b/c he thought they’d want to know…