Collin O’Mara Can Still Win IF…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 14, 2024 18 Comments

Guest Post by the MoMo:

“It’s not too late” – me, an undecided voter.

This is a message to O’Mara, the candidate with the most to gain. Summer sucks the lifeblood from voter contact, paid and grassroots for all candidates. Speaking to officials and Party members and primary voters, the clear message is that it is not too late.

Acknowledge in your messaging that you’ve been unable to breakthrough the media blitz of bad behavior on all sides. Frame yourself as a ‘Policy not Politics’ type of leader. Capitalize on infighting. Point your finger at problems without being part of them. Continue highlighting the need for reform but be better at showing that you’re the one to do it — whether it’s campaign finance law or LEOBOR reform, everywhere these politicians have an issue you can have policy.

>Make quips about wanting a Governor who isn’t on the news every day but a Governor who is doing the job. The media should cover the issues, not just people causing them, etc.

Bolster your messaging with polling, but ask questions about voter opinions on other candidates, not just horse race questions. “X% of voters aren’t happy with Meyer and Hall-Long as options for Governor — and I’ve got good news.”

Let’s talk targets:

Text: All new D registrants since 2020. And I’m talking two-way texting with a question-based script not blast texting.

Call: D’s voting in primaries at least once in the last 4 cycles, D’s voting in at least 1 School Board or Referendum election in the last 4 years. Purchase a dialer. Must be over 30 to call.

Doors: Focus on Wilmington and MOT voters in line with the above.

Paid Ads: Target democratic/dem-lean viewers of non-cable video according to all of the above. With something other than the bad diaper video, please. Stop paying for social video and buy banner ads instead.

Don’t rely solely on democratic scoring or propensity to vote. You stand to benefit most from the education scores the party has now.

And most importantly, watch for the Harris-Walz data and mine it and use it to your advantage.

Here are your other tasks:

Emails. Buy some damn email lists and start promoting your sign-up. It’s not hard to find the candidates paying firms for their communications. It’s insane I haven’t gotten an email from you yet as a 100% voter under 40.

Bump your SEO and give money to Google. It’s dumb your campaign website doesn’t come up first and it’s easy to make it do so.

Events: Any  group more than 20 people is where you should be. Get the spouse on the stump spiel and get 4-5 other surrogates too.

O’Mara, people want to vote for you. We here on the blog may know enough to see campaign failures here. But we want to see policy success. It’s not too late for Harris, and it’s not too late for you.

Lest we forget, there were many a Never Matt Democrat before BHL, and there are many especially in the city, in unions, and below the canal who remain unwilling to bite the bullet and mark their ballots for him despite everything Bethany has done. Message yourself in a way that acknowledges both what you are not, and have not done, and what you could be. We don’t want to leave our ballots blank.

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  1. Zasha says:

    The lack of emails, texts, and up until recently, social media has been baffling. I get that mailers and tv ads were outside his budget until now but these other items are low cost. Your point about SEO–why hasn’t that already happened? As a Collin supporter, I am so frustrated with his lazy campaign. He needs to start believing he can actually win this and ACT LIKE IT. His lack of effort is almost an insult to those of us who have him as our first choice. I’m begging him to give me a reason not to hold my nose and vote for my second choice in order to stop my horrid third choice from ascending to the most powerful position in the State.

  2. LifeIsComplicated says:

    These are great suggestions except for the age 30 to dial part. As long as you’re not enlisting the help of dumbasses, plenty of people under 30 can do a good job on the dialer.

    Gotta say, I still don’t know who I’m voting for. There are aspects of Meyer I like a lot but I’m not gaga given things like him engaging in the auditory equivalent of blackface at that church and Christian cosplaying. And then there are women who have issues with him, aside from the two who crazy ass Jimmy Marvelias alleged will come forward (could easily be nothing more than Unhinged Jimmy antics). Even still, I’d vote for him over BHL in a heartbeat.

    Is there any reason not to vote for Collin outside of fear that doing so will secure a win for BHL?

    Mind you, I don’t hate BHL or think she’s awful. But it appears that her husband will continue to drag her into illegality and she is not in a position to be good for the party anymore.

    • Alby says:

      The other reason not to vote for O’Mara is the dishonesty. He knows enough about politics to run a better campaign than this. He’s a cat’s paw, and he told progressives what they want to hear to keep that segment of the anti-BHL vote from going to Meyer.

      That’s kind of absurd, since Meyer, too, talks like a progressive but hasn’t shown any sign of actually being one, and has backers who clearly aren’t.

      On top of that, if he runs the government like he ran this campaign, O’Mara is inept at running anything. He’s shown himself to be a good fund-raiser with the NWF, and he asked how high when Markell said jump, but flowery talk don’t impress me much.

      This is the true crisis of democracy: Three candidates, not a single one worth supporting. And this is the case for office after office.

      • LifeIsComplicated says:

        Not sure what the “how high when Markell said jump” thing is about. Not that I doubt the veracity of your statement, just that I know nothing of the backstory.

        A small part of me wants to go all in for Meyer just to help Jimmy shit himself.

        • Alby says:

          When Markell needed to massage definitions to make Bloom Energy a “green” company so the state could pay it to create jobs, O’Mara made it happen. We’re all still paying for it.

    • The MoMo says:

      Meant targets should be over 30, so the chance of contact is higher.
      And agree with the major O’Mara concern being that the vote helps someone else. But who… well, perhaps a poll on that could help.

  3. Jason says:

    Collin O’Mara Can Still Win IF… the other two drop out.

  4. Anne says:

    I’ve been active in my local RD and the county Democratic party in SC. I know BHL, have heard MM speak on several occasions, and also O’Mara. I can’t, in good conscience, support Bethany any longer. I won’t support Meyer. Please, Collin, get out in the public and let Delaware voters know what you’ll do for them as governor. Delaware might be a small state, but we deserve a decent governor.

  5. Anne says:

    All different Annes…..different from me anyway.

  6. paul says:

    I’m voting for Meyer and I encourage others to do so. I’ve talked with him on three occasions, one extensively. At the same time I shudder at what is going to happen when he has that come to jesus meeting with those moneymen. How many elected officials can successfully tell their financial backers the deals are off after winning the election? You kind of have to come clean with the unsavory deals you made to get the cash with your voters and tell them your real goals and whom you are ready to fight for. Beg for voter’s forgiveness and ask for their continued trust. Yeah, my hypnotic fever dream…

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