Who Do I Vote For When All the Candidates Suck?

Filed in Delaware by on August 15, 2024 16 Comments

That’s the situation confronting voters in the gubernatorial primary. They might suck to different extents and in different ways, but they all have significant drawbacks.

Bethany Hall-Long’s are obvious. Even without the financial mismanagement and Delaware Way mutual backscratching, I consider her unqualified for the job. Head of the health department? Sure, she seems like a competent enough manager, though her inability to make a decision without convening a committee to cover her ass with makes her the opposite of a leader. But that inability to lead combined with an inability to keep her own house in order makes her No. 3 on my ballot.

Matt Meyer has union problems, and even if you’re not inclined to believe their gripes, the roster of Castle Republicans backing him should give you pause.

Collin O’Mara might or might not be working on behalf of BHL, but the ineptitude of his campaign augurs poorly for what kind of administration he’d run. Good intentions are nice, but they aren’t meaningful if you’re incompetent to get them accomplished.

So what to do?

I won’t tell you who to vote for. That’s every individual’s decision. I can tell you I’m leaning towards Meyer, even though I’d have to hold my nose AND cover my eyes to do it. Here’s why:

Let’s assume the worst, that Matt Meyer is a flat-out Castle Republican (I don’t think he is, but bear with me). What’s he going to get done with a resistant General Assembly? Not much. That’s not optimal, but going nowhere strikes me as a lot better than letting the current bunch of self-serving Democrats keep hold of the tiller.

BHL, Jeff Bullock et al WILL get things done, and while some of it might lean progressive, the self-enrichment will continue. A lot of people think that’s a fair trade-off – if we get some progressive stuff, it’s tolerable that this gang of bozos continues to wet its beaks. It’s not one I’d make, but YMMV.

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  1. Jason says:

    I do know some people who are actual Meyer fans, so that counts for me. I also know some Hall-Long people but their support for her seems very transactional to me. Which is hardly surprising, I suppose.

    • Alby says:

      My reasoning holds for the general election, too. Ramone can’t do much damage with an oppositional legislature.

      • I think one area where you will likely see some progress under Matt is police reform.

        Especially if Our PAL VAL gets knocked off, which is increasingly possible. Was just down there again today knocking doors. Response gets better every time out. Definitely feeling ‘Marie Pinkney vibes’.

        • Al Catraz says:

          Sen. Pinkney should have run for governor. I would crawl over broken glass on my hands and knees to knock on doors for her.

  2. Polet says:

    The governors race has went from uninspiring to depressing. This is why I feel this will be a low turnout primary. No real opposition for McBride or Lisa and I don’t exactly see people turning out in droves to vote for County Executive in NCC.

    Some down ballot primaries, but usually it’s the top of the ticket that drives the turnout.

    Sad state of affairs.

  3. mediawatch says:

    Don’t bet on Bullock working for BHL.
    He lives in the city, in Brandywine Hills. Put some money on him becoming Mayor Carney’s chief of staff.

    • Alby says:

      Do you really think he’s looking for a demotion, too?

      • Yaheard says:

        Bullock and Houghton and Greg Patterson are be going to be doing bulk trash pickup in a few months.

        • Stewball says:

          While nothing would make me happier than to see Bullock and Houston frog marched out of court and out under the jail if they in fact committed crimes, and I have no knowledge whether ddi, I’ve known Greg for more than 20 years and he’s always been interested in public service and doing the right thing. We’ve had our differences but he’s always tried to do the right thing.

  4. KentCoKat says:

    This is about where I am as well, although calling BHL a competent manager seems like a stretch. I haven’t seen any evidence of that.

  5. Alby says:

    I’m just going by the resume, which is what she’s spend her entire career building.

    Before her defenders start screeching, I’m not saying she accomplished nothing, but I don’t see that she’s done anything any competent manager couldn’t have done. I realize that not everyone in government could accomplish it, but that’s just it – the people who run for office are quite often are the curds that sink to the bottom, not the cream that rises to the top. Measured against her peers in government, she’s competent. That’s not enough, IMO, to qualify her as governor.

  6. MonteCristo says:

    This race is done. She has 200 thousand dollars and Meyer has 1.6million.

    You all got played.

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