Comment Rescue: Will Castle’s Health Be a Factor?

Filed in National by on September 5, 2007

Nancy says:(N)not so funny is the theme that several bloggers have taken to dub Castle as frail and doddering, I just don’t think it serves us well to mislead here.

My feelings?

Although Castle appears to be normal his voting record and the glaring disconnect between his votes and his statements beg the question – is he healthy?

According to google his looks might be deceiving. It turns out that 30% of all thalamic stroke patients showed late onset memory impairment. 15% experienced involuntary movements and spontaneous pain and a smaller number of thalamic stroke patients (4%) developed serve time disorientation.

According to the literature, the long term neurobehavioral problems related to the type of Stroke Castle suffered consist mainly of apathy, indifference, poor motivation, and flattened affect.

The “flattened affect” could turn into a significant problem for Castle since his baseline affect is so flat as to appear concave.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. dh says:

    Hey Karl Rove, believe it or not, the ends don’t always justify the means.

    Leave medicine to the professionals. Stick to the issues. To try and pass such unsubstantiated heresay off as legitimate concern might serve as evidence that you are willing to stretch the truth to just about any length in order to acheive your ultimate goal of removing DE’s most prominent and respected Republican from office.

  2. jason330 says:

    Are you saying that my concern for Castle’s flattened affect is not genuine?

    I think his famous quote “this war has got to grind to the end” speaks to a level of apathy and indifference. Where the is smoke, right?

    But, as you note, I am no doctor.

  3. G Rex says:

    So you’ll be calling for (NoDak senator) Tim Johnson to step down as well, right?

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Are you saying that health won’t be an issue in Tim Johnson’s next re-election campaign?

  5. jason330 says:

    Good point. I never formally called on Castle to step down.

    Let me remedy that.

    Mike Castle –

    In light of your crappy service to the country and unwillingness to listen to the concerns of your constituents,I hereby call on you to do the honorable thing and step down.


  6. jason330 says:

    Booh yah! GREX feel the burn…

    Liberalgeek’s come back was way better than mine.

  7. Chris says:

    “…unwillingness to listen to the concerns of your constituents”

    Just because he isn’t acting on YOUR concerns doesn’t mean he isn’t following the wishes of many of his constituants. Last time I checked, not every Delawarean thought like you….Thank God!

  8. miles north says:

    Last time I checked, not every Delawarean thought like you

    Are you sure? Go check every Delawarean again.

    We’ll wait for you.

  9. Rebecca says:

    Not scientific at all but . . .

    Standing out on the corner of 2nd and Walnut the other morning with our “Honk if you want Peace” signs we got a ton more honks and thumbs up than the other sort of response.

    Except for the guy driving the big green Mercedes who needs to be careful and remember what his mother always said, “your face could freeze like that.” He must have paid for that Mercedes with war profits. He didn’t look like he was enjoying it much though.

  10. G Rex says:

    Rebecca, that’s because there’s no hand gesture that conveys, “I appreciate your sentiment, but the 60s are over.” I once flipped the bird at the tired hippies that congregate every Friday afternoon in Newark, but felt bad when I saw my mom’s neighbor waving back cheerfully.

  11. Castle’s long term health is definately going to be an issue in 2008

    I just wanted to make sure that the rest of my comment was resurrected:
    “As far as I can determine he had a stroke from which he fully recovered.
    Let’s beat him on the issues. Health is a consideration insomuchas he is likely to have another incident.”

  12. jason330 says:

    Sorry about cutting your comment short.

    I agree about the issues, but I have a major qualm. The tough thing about beating him on the issues is that he does not stand for anything.

    Based on covering him last time out, trying to nail him down on an issue is like trying to grab a handful of steam.

  13. miles north says:

    The tough thing about beating him on the issues is that he does not stand for anything.

    Are you kidding? What’s so hard about pegging Castle – he stands for everything Bush stands for.

    Castle started out as a half-decent socially liberal Establishment Republican, but he went over to Bush long ago.

  14. donviti says:

    grabbing steam hurts

  15. jason330 says:

    Represenatative Paul Gillmor died last night at the age of 68. His passing was apparently a surprise since he wasn’t suffering from any obvious illnesses.

    Gillmor represented Ohio’s Fifth Congressional District, and won with 57% of the vote last year.

    Guess who else is 68 and won his last election with 57%? Just sayin’

  16. Grabby steaming doo doo is gross but someone’s got to clean up the fucking beltway.

  17. Chris says:

    “Grabby steaming doo doo is gross but someone’s got to clean up the fucking beltway.”

    Agreed, throw out the damn hippie liberals…they stink!