DL Open Thread: Friday, August 23, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on August 23, 2024 4 Comments

You can all post your impressions of the Convention.  Apparently it was a very successful night.  Watching Leon Panetta babble on was my cue to go to sleep.  Who thought that was a good idea?  Also–no Beyonce??  What can I say?  I’m hyper-critical.  Loved the appearance of the Central Park Five.  Saw no reason why they wouldn’t let the person expressing concern about Gaza and the Palestinian people speak.  That’s all I’ve got.

Trump To Hold Fundraiser–For Jan. 6 Rioters??  This can’t be true, can it?:

Donald Trump is hosting a fundraiser for domestic terrorists convicted of assaulting police officers, and some defendants still facing those charges, as part of his Jan. 6, 2021, coup attempt to remain in power.

The event is to take place on Sept. 5 at his country club in Bedminster, New Jersey, and is being staged by The America Project, a pro-Trump nonprofit based in Florida that is calling the reception and dinner “the J6 Awards Gala.”

A video promoting the event features clips of Trump praising those who are being prosecuted for taking part in the Capitol assault. “They ought to release the J6 hostages. They’ve suffered enough,” Trump says in the video from one of his campaign speeches. “I call them hostages. Some people call them prisoners. I call them hostages.”

Michael Fanone, a former Washington, D.C., police officer who suffered a heart attack after being repeatedly tasered by one of Trump’s followers on Jan. 6, said Americans cannot afford to forget what happened that day. “Wake the fuck up, America,” he told HuffPost. “This is who Donald Trump is, a sick motherfucker who fetishizes violence committed on his behalf.”

“And the winner for Best Use Of A Battering Ram On A Human Skull is…”

Oh, I think we know the answer to this question:

Also unknown is whether Trump is donating the use of his golf club to the group or if America Project is paying rent and catering costs, which can run into the tens of thousands of dollars. When Trump’s “Save America” political committee, which he uses to pay his legal bills, staged an event at Bedminster in May, for example, it paid $80,533.74 to the country club — the profits from which go directly into Trump’s pocket.

Just a comment on the polls.  I see questions being asked as to whether she will get that post-convention bounce.  Might I say that she has already gotten quite a bounce?  We don’t have any polls measuring gains from the beginning of the convention until now, however the momentum has clearly moved in her direction.  The latest 538 poll of polls has her up by 3.6%.  I don’t think it’s gonna get any closer.  One reason?:  I think you can rename the ‘Blue Wall’ states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan as the ‘Blue Walz’ states.  Yeahyeah, I know, the Veep doesn’t make a real difference.  Except until it does.  This time, it does.

Cebela’s Insists On Remaining A Scofflaw.  AG and Courts disagree:

A Superior Court judge ruled that Cabela’s needs to give the Delaware Department of Justice more information about stolen ammunition their Christiana location.

The Attorney General’s office believes up to 500,000 rounds of ammunition in a one year period was stolen from the store near the Christiana Mall, but their latest subpoena was met with a one-page job description, a redacted loss data report, and 53 pages of objections from the national outdoor goods retailer.

Cabela has twice attempted to quash the investigation, arguing, among other items, that providing Delaware with their policies would expose trade secrets, and was unconstitutional.

Yikes! Turns out I somehow had 11 races on my list of 10 most intriguing primary races.  Not the first time I’ve miscounted during one of my interminable countdowns.  Gotta get ’em all done before the polls for early voting open at the end of next week.  So I’m outta here.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Arthur says:

    Trump would host a fundraiser for Harris/Walz if he made money

  2. bamboozer says:

    I see Walz as the Dems key to the country/rural vote, even the way he looks connects, and his son adds that tear jerker moment for all but the ignorant. The Dems are pushing all the right buttons now, and as expected the Obama’s killed it big time. Agree that Panetta hit the snooze button and that they should have let the Palestinians speak.

  3. Jason says:

    “Just a comment on the polls. I see questions being asked as to whether she will get that post-convention bounce. Might I say that she has already gotten quite a bounce?”

    I felt like a Colonial Williamsburg style historical reenactor sitting there watching speech after speech. A post-convention bounce is like one of those old timey sayings that barely makes sense to the young’uns. Something akin to “I read the classifies in the newspaper.”

  4. Andrew C says:

    The election is entirely about turnout. RFK dropping out and having his lunatic supporters disillusioned — they hate Trump almost as much as Biden/Harris — simply means more of those people won’t vote at all. Win: Kamala. Engaging the fickle 18-34 electorate is key and there’s only one political party that’s effectively done that.

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