Just One More Thing BHL Won’t Talk To The Press About

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 23, 2024 41 Comments

More blatant Delaware Way shit, this time featuring all her buddies at the Department Of Elections. Tell me again why the State Senate didn’t bother asking Anthony Albence any questions when Carney reappointed him:

State election officials in Delaware communicated directly with one or more aides in Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long’s office last year amid a scandal involving her campaign finance reports, according to emails obtained by The Associated Press.

The emails show that Elections Commissioner Anthony Albence, a fellow Democrat, wanted to keep Hall-Long’s office apprised of queries by the AP about amendments to years of campaign finance reports in which Hall-Long failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans.

On Oct. 23, the AP emailed election officials with questions about apparent errors in amended filings by Hall-Long. Citing technical issues, officials sent a follow-up response the next day — while also alerting a top aide in Hall-Long’s office.

“FYI,” Albence wrote in an email to Andrew Volturo, strategic advisor for policy and special projects in the lieutenant governor’s office. The email was sent to Volturo’s Gmail account, not his state government account. It’s unclear how Albence knew Volturo had a Gmail account.

Later that day, Albence directed his staff to send Volturo another update.

“Would you like to let Drew V. know about these updates, so that he is aware?” he wrote in an email to Patrick Jackson, campaign finance manager for the department. Frank Broujos, the deputy attorney general from Jennings’ office assigned to the Department of Elections, was copied on the email.

“Called Drew, who’s now in his happy place,” Jackson responded minutes later. Broujos was also copied on that email, as well as Albence’s reply.

Volturo has previously rebuffed questions from the AP about Hall-Long’s campaign finances, implying he had no involvement in or knowledge about the campaign. He did not respond to emails Thursday.

There’s more.  Just read it.  Know that this is merely the casual corruption of the Delaware Way.

Just one more reason to clean house, starting on or before September 10.

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  1. The MoMo says:

    This is insane but also not completely unexpected. They have the emails too, but then it says the FOIA said no records. Does that mean they were deleted permanently? Does Anthony’s confirmation by Senate hold under the new Governor, given the timing?? So many questions. None of them will make me trust her again.

  2. Gravy Train says:

    *Just One More Thing BHL and the Dept of Elections Won’t Talk To The Press About


  3. mediawatch says:

    Volturo and Jackson, two journalists who sold their souls to state government. Shameful.

    • Joe Connor says:

      This truly enraged and saddens me. Both of these guys were good reporters who covered the Hall well and broke some important stories. Karma, sadly cuts both ways .

    • Arthur says:

      90% of journalists happily make the jump to PIO and go from there

      • mediawatch says:

        90 percent of the journalists who have made the jump in the past decade or so have made the move because their employers’ business model was crumbling.

        • Arthur says:

          They’ve been doing this for decades – John rago for example

        • SussexWatcher says:

          Why is it shameful for Jackson and Volturo to leave when their employers’ business model was crumbling?

          • I think Mediawatch was writing tongue-in-cheek.

          • Alby says:

            It think the criticism isn’t about where they work as much as how they behaved.

            Journalists crossing over into government and back again has been common for a long time, though now there’s little opportunity for “back again.” Some take to it more readily than others.

          • Joe Connor says:

            Not at all shameful to take a job to earn a living. Totally shameful and disgusting if the alleged behavior on behalf of their employers is substantiated. Simple.

  4. In many ways, Bethany is positively Trumpian. No, her corruption doesn’t rise nearly to those levels, largely because there’s not as much money involved.

    But her consistent flouting of ethical norms and, let’s just say it, the law, never ends. Like Trump, she belittles those who try to hold her accountable. So she just won’t talk to them.

    Why talk to them when you can bury shit via e-mail because you have willing accomplices all over state government? And, hey, if they won’t play ball, you just get rid of them after the election.

  5. paul says:

    As a registered Democrat and a former member of the DSEA Executive Board, I stand against both organizations’ endorsements of BHL. I also decry the candidacy of Collin O’Mara. A vote for him is a vote for BHL too. I announce my unreserved support for Matt Meyer, the only decent person in the race…

    • Collin’s a decent person.

      He just can’t win, largely b/c he didn’t run as if he wanted to win.

      • Carl says:

        If he were decent, he would: 1) acknowledge that he was way too late to the party, 2) that his chances are slim 3) apologize to WFP for misleading them about his commitment to mounting a campaign.

        Even RFK has dropped out. This is becoming a narcissistic vanity project for O’mara. He’s a conman

  6. FWIW says:

    Here’s a fun quote from the article:

    Bethany has admitted that her reports are false and that she needs to correct them- but she said her corrected reports “may not be filed before the primary. Albence’s office refused to say last week whether he will allow Hall-Long to hide the reports from voters until after the election.”

    So basically, the Commissioner has decided that the rules just don’t apply to Bethany.

  7. SussexWatcher says:

    I’m a little confused. From the reporting, it looks like all Drew did was take a call and an email. Why is that a negative thing? Seems like the crap should be falling on the Elections team.

    I only know Drew very slightly, but he seemed to have been doing good work for the House Dems previously. I honestly feel bad for the people who signed on with BHL’s office not realizing exactly what they were getting themselves into.

    • I kinda agree. It was the comment from DOE about Drew being in ‘his happy place’ that was weird.

      • MC says:

        “ honestly feel bad for the people who signed on with BHL’s office not realizing exactly what they were getting themselves into.”

        Give me a break. They knew exactly what they were getting. This happened a year ago and they stayed because they thought they were going to work for a governor.

        They deserve everything they have coming.

        I made the point months and months ago that they should get their resumes together. I hope they did.

        John Carney is going to have the most well educated meter maid crew in Wilmington history.

      • OccamsRazor says:

        Maybe he was on vacation at the beach or wherever he feels happiest.

        • Nah says:

          Well he’s going to have a lot of time to be in his happy place soon then.

          And he will still have access to his personal email. So he can get alllllll the political stuff he wants.

  8. DropOutBethanyOrDownBallotsGetScrewes says:

    Can’t prove it but here’s my guess:

    BHL and Carney have already decided whom she will elect as cabinet members. State Senators get such spots, and then other hungry climbers get to move up the ladder.

    What’s she gonna do for Jimmy? Which other disgusting insiders are flanking this and what will all of them gain?

    I get unsolicited commentary from voters about the gubernatorial race CONSTANTLY. I actually feel bad for her because I suspect her husband is behind most of the illegality but I can’t vote for her if he’s still in her orbit. RD Chairs have told me about how they’re being pressured. Literally no person has told me they actually want BHL to win.

    It sure will be interesting to see who gains what if BHL wins.

    • Alby says:

      It will be interesting to see Ramone’s campaign against her.

      • BLT says:

        And how many HAll Long supporters defect to ramone

        • That only works if he promises the few career hacks still backing BHL jobs in his administration. Anne Farley for, um, what, exactly?

          It would certainly intrigue me whether Jimmy M would back such a ‘right-to-work’ proponent like Ramone.

          • Alby says:

            I look forward to it because I imagine the drubbing she’ll take from the GOP will force her books open.

          • MC says:

            She’s not getting the nomination so it’s sort of moot.

            But sure. Anne Farley can be Secretary of Gumdrop Mountain and Nicole Poore will be Princess of Peapod Parish and they can go play government for the rest of their lives.

            • Alby says:

              I wouldn’t be so sure of yourself. If BHL gets 40% and O’Mara gets 15%, she wins.

              • Sussex Worker says:

                No she doesn’t. Your percentages leave 45% for Myer. He wins

              • Don’t rag on Al.

                Jason 330’s been helping him to brush up on his math skills…

              • Alby says:

                Yeah, too much time in the sun, not enough on the calculator.

                My point is that O’Mara doesn’t have to take much of the vote for her to slip through. If enough people realize he’s a long shot and switch to Meyer it might not matter, but I think the combined dedicated insider base with the know-nothing name recognition vote can easily carry her to the nomination. She doesn’t need a majority.

              • Starting to think that her negatives have been driven up to the point where she doesn’t get particularly close to 40%.

                Yes, Meyer’s campaign has helped to drive them up and that will hurt his campaign to an extent, but she has mostly done it on her own.

                I think there are lots of people who only know about BHL by the string of negative stories.

          • mediawatch says:

            Ramone sucks but he’s arguably better than the last couple of GOP candidates so lame that I can’t remember their names and lack the motivation to look up.

      • Anon says:

        I know conventional wisdom is that Ramone is a moderate and so could be serious in the general……….but you still need to run a campaign. And based on his first campaign filing, he’s not really raising anywhere near the kind of money to run a serious campaign.

        I think Dems will be perfectly fine in the general, regardless of who wins the primary.

        Raised – $76k
        Spent – $50k
        Cash – $27k

        Even BHL raises far more than this.

        • Math says:

          First, you never really know what Bethany has because she’s a proven liar.

          Secondly, trusting her numbers, she had basically 180k left on cash. I assume there were invoices paid after that but let’s just assume she has 175k

          She will spend that in 30 days.

          So. She will probably have zero. Or less than zero. And that’s before she pays back the 30k she stole.

          Please try again. You guys are terrrrrrrrrible at this but the mercy rule dictates that people offer you some free advice.

          • Alby says:

            You seem to assume the PAC cash spigots will be turned off. Why?

            Also, pick one screen name and stick with it, or your comments will go to moderation.

        • Alby says:

          If BHL wins the nomination, where will all the Republicans backing Meyer go? They might throw their money to an actual Republican.

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