Coward Carney Vetoes End Of Life Legislation

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 20, 2024 17 Comments

Alternate Title: ‘Carney’s Discomfort Causes Excruciating Pain For The Terminally-Ill’.

Waited until after the election to even retrieve the bill, then vetoed it almost immediately:

In his veto letter to state lawmakers, Carney said he does not believe there is “firm consensus” on the issue within the medical community.

“Although I understand not everyone shares my views, I am fundamentally and morally opposed to state law enabling someone, even under tragic and painful circumstances, to take their own life,” he wrote. “As I have shared consistently, I am simply not comfortable letting this piece of legislation become law.”

Translation:’I am more comfortable in having people die in excruciating pain because, gosh darn it, I’m just not comfortable signing this.”

A despicable act from a cowardly idiot.   Were there a Delaware Hall Of Shame, he’d be in on the first ballot.

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  1. Alby says:

    Catholics, man. Having invented god they’re now intent on playing him.

  2. Jason says:

    Delaware’s arbiter of morality. What a fucking a-hole.

  3. Yaheard says:

    A lazy and petty and stupid man. Disgraceful person whose legacy is basically Bethany Hall-Long. Sadly Wilmington has to deal with him for four years but then he and his sycophants need to truly be drummed out of politics.

    Btw speaking of UD. Isn’t Albert Shields, one of his many dopey yes men, at UD? I wonder if he had anything to do with the auditors report delay. Inquiring minds would love to know.

    • From what I heard, the Auditor’s pretext/excuse for delaying the release of the report was that UD ‘had to sign off’ on it. Whatever that means. They already made clear that they don’t believe the law applies to them.

      Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. You know who can make sure it does? The General Assembly.

  4. Here is the roll call on Baumbach’s HB 140:

    You’ll note that it barely passed in the Senate.

    I think the House vote would have been more lopsided but, if memory serves, there was a funeral that day and several likely ‘yes’ votes were absent.

    But check out the no’s in the House. Some interesting stories there.

    Sean Matthews was a no. He’s gone.

    Franklin Cooke was a no. He SHOULD be gone.

    Michael Smith and Mike Ramone were both nos. I’m sure Nick Beard is already aware of that. Lyndon Yearick was a no, Tracey Miller please note.

    I hope that Matt Meyer puts out a statement stating that passage of this bill will be one of his earliest priorities as Governor. The people overwhelmingly support it, Mike Ramone doesn’t.

  5. The MoMo says:

    The Senate Dems put out a strong statement on the matter, condemning his action and also highlighting how he selectively chose commentary to fit his viewpoint. Unclear on veto override though, I think that is because it goes back to the originating Chamber, meaning Val would have to be willing to take it to Special Session, right?

    • Even so, the votes definitely aren’t there in the Senate regardless, unless some senators have a change of heart. It only passed 11-10.

      D’s voting no: Darius, Spiros, Nicole Poore and Jack Walsh. You’d need three of the four to flip.

  6. Joe Connor says:

    Yay for the Delaware way and the sanctimonious progressive/liberals for helping inflict this POS on my city for 4 years!

    • A decent candidate unbesmirched by scandal would have won.

      • mediawatch says:

        Except that none of them wanted to run or they had moved out of the city (e.g., Paul Calistro and Eugene Young).
        In other words, the smart folks had no interest in the job, and that left a choice between one besmirched by scandal and a God-fearing empty suit.

      • Joe Connor says:

        Or maybe the black woman with the black husband who wasn’t on the ballot was held to a different standard than the white dude who used his position to benefit his chamber and donor friends and who nearly destroyed health care for thousands of state retirees and employees. But he at least will go home at night regulary questioning why he decided to move next door;)

        • Puh-leeze. She had her own issues, which were well-chronicled.

          I’d have voted for her, but let’s not outfit her with a halo.

          Someone without those issues likely could have won.

    • Alby says:

      C’mon, Joe, you don’t think having to deal with City Council is punishment enough?

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