DL Open Thread Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on September 26, 2024 1 Comment

It was so quaint of Hillary Clinton to think that our nation’s deplorables would fit in one basket. We got more than a basketful just in yesterday’s news.

New York is learning what Wilmington did: Cops don’t make good mayors. Eric Adams has become the first mayor of New York City to be indicted in office. The documents are sealed, so we don’t know precisely what’s being alleged, but I guarantee his defense will be the same old bipartisan one their lawyers love to trot out – “they’re criminalizing politics” – which strikes me as an admission that politics is a criminal enterprise.

A U.S. Senate committee learned that Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner’s “private equity firm” has taken $157 million in fees without generating any profits, raising fears that it’s there mainly so foreigners can funnel money to Trump. No! That couldn’t be! We better have a look at his laptop to be sure.

Make room in that basket for Alex Jones. A judge cleared the way to to auction off his Inforwars empire to help pay his staggering debts to Sandy Hook families he defamed. I’m sure it’ll be worth, oh, many thousands of dollars, but the schadenfreude? Priceless.

Ultimately, the basket has to hold more than 70 million people who’ve bought into this madness. Thomas Edsall of the New York Times investigates the mystery of our era: How is it possible that Donald Trump has a reasonable chance of winning the presidency despite all that voters now know about him? He gathers a lot of data for his answers. Long but interesting.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Read the Times article, found it very insightful as to where we are now. I call it willful ignorance, and I agree that more then a few do want chaos and don’t care if it’s a pack of lies. Trump is in a slow motion death march, if the hamberders don’t get him the dementia will, but his evil and poorly educated base will remain. They will not change and will search for their next “Leader”, so will the Republican party.

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