DL Open Thread Monday, Sept. 30, 2024

Filed in Open Thread by on September 30, 2024 3 Comments

Reading the news has convinced me that there are way, way too many people writing about the election, which most people don’t want to read about because Republicans make them want to vomit. So I’m ignoring all that crap, and you probably should, too.

If you want something to worry about, the looming strike by the longshoreman’s union could fuck up the economy in the weeks before the election. Also, you might have to do without bananas for a while.

You might have noticed that today’s Republicans aren’t much like those Chamber of Commerce types from your youth. At this point, the freak show is attracting more freaks, which doesn’t say anything good about the people who vote for them.

Experts are trying to figure out what Israel’s assassination of Hassan Nasrallah will mean for the future of the Middle East. They’re having trouble because Israel has no vision for an end-game, so nobody knows what it would take to get them to stop the slaughter.

California tried to come up with a law that would protect the public from what the industry calls Artificial Intelligence. The legislature passed one, which Gov. Gavin Newsom promptly vetoed because it would chill the industry, which could do with a good bit of chilling. I’m pretty sure that if we ranked the deadly sins by destructiveness, greed would win in a walk.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Jason says:

    As much as a I don’t want to hear about Trump and the election, this weekend’s Trump rally had him using flat out fascist rhetoric. While we all know what Trump has in mind for the country, the media’s “sane-washing” is just appalling.

    Of all the institutions that have utterly failed America (the entire legal system & American Bar, the GOP, the Democratic Party [until very recently], Academia, Trade Union Movement, Christianity,) perhaps the most egregious failure is the mewling “objective” legacy media.


    • Bamboozer says:

      As noted the failure list is long indeed, and I too see the media as a pathetic joke, but it was easy to see coming when the FCC “relaxed” it’s rule about ownership. The old rule prevented the rich from buying the entirety of the media, and as if by magic that is now the case. The rich own the media, and as such control the narrative and use it as a not so subtle propaganda weapon. We never learn, and if we do it does not last.

  2. Grant Brunner says:

    This is another shining example of “Newsom is a menace.”

    Whether it’s 2028 or 2032, we cannot let that man become the Democratic candidate. He needs to be kept far away from national politics.

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