This is what a real Libertarian sounds like

Filed in National by on September 6, 2007

We have some fake Libertarians around here who are down with whatever nonsense Bush comes up with. (Yes Hube, I’m looking at you.)

Anyway, this is what a real Libertarian sounds like.


Our local fake Libertarians continue to support the Bush administration which is responsible for afronts to ur civil liberties this one…

The misdemeanor outlaw, chased an’ cheated by pursuit

Jose Padilla was convicted yesterday, not for plotting to detonate a “dirty bomb” in the U.S., as the Bush administration alleged — and the media breathlessly reported — when he was arrested in 2002, but of a conspiracy to aid terrorism abroad. During the five years between his arrest and conviction, Padilla — a Brooklyn-born American citizen — had been held for years without being charged, without having access to an attorney or to the outside world, subjected to interrogation techniques that have been described as torture, and, according to psychiatrists who have examined him, has been mentally broken.

All at the hands of his own government — the United States government.

Viva America!! Viva phoney libertarianism!!!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. Hube says:

    Go stalk Castle some more and call our troops worse terrorists than Saddam.

    I’ll take the label “fake libertarian” over that shit any day.

  2. anon says:

    Hube has lost it. Nice work Jason.

  3. Hube says:

    Hube has lost it? You’re saying that on THIS blog???

    Man, we ARE going to hell …

  4. Chris says:

    So what Jace? Let me guess. He was just some poor schlub who was sitting there eating his Mom’s apple pie, figuring out new, better ways to help the homeless, and those DAMN EVIL REPUBLICANS swooped in and scooped up this Eagle Scout and beat him to within an inch of his life, just so they could scare the sheep some more. Do I have that right? Well I guess that means those guys on
    9/11 were just a couple of innocent joyriders. You guys really are whack!

  5. Disbelief says:

    Chris, how does a violation of our Constitutional rights end up as some sort of sarcastic stab at 9/11? Who’s whacked?

  6. Chris says:

    “Chris, how does a violation of our Constitutional rights end up as some sort of sarcastic stab at 9/11? Who’s whacked?”

    Gee…I don’t know…maybe because this loser was helping those that want to kill us. Oh sorry..that’s right. Terrorists aren’t really after us…that is just a Bush/Cheyney concoction.

  7. Disbelief says:

    How does the government holding a U.S. citizen outside the Constitutional legal process while torturing him help terrorists?

    Seriously, son. I don’t think you have an answer to this.

  8. We finally agree. Holding a U. S. Citizen caught on American soil without charges is wrong and should be condemned in the starkest of terms by all Freedom Loving Americans.