DL Open Thread Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on October 2, 2024 5 Comments

Now that Israel has decapitated Iran’s proxy, Hezbollah, Iran itself has decided to get into the act, firing off almost 200 missiles at Israel. You don’t have to be Nostradamus to see this won’t end well for Iran, or anyone else. Is a proportional response too much to hope for?

Media spin is that Tim Walz lost his debate with JD Vance last night. On the other hand, it’s hard to find anybody other than America’s millions of professional and amateur pundits who actually watched it, and they all know who they’re voting for already. Political debates are basically game shows, with each questioner trying to put each contestant on the spot. It has nothing whatever to do with the skills needed for the jobs the candidates seek. It’s infotainment minus the info, and as you can tell by the way they vie to host them, viewed exactly that way by the networks.

Everybody’s on edge, even the brown bears in Alaska’s Katmai National Park. For more than a decade now remote cameras in the park have documented the ursine feeding frenzy that accompanies the annual salmon run. They call it Fat Bear Week, but this year they had to postpone it because of bear-on-bear violence, after a 20-minute fight between a young male and an older matriarch ended in her on-camera death. Give it a few years and this will be the format for presidential debates.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. puck says:

    “Is a proportional response too much to hope for?”

    Probably less than proportional. Israel is looking for unimportant sparsely staffed Iranian bases to bomb. These are choreographed exchanges between Iran and Israel for domestic consumption. It would be comical, if not for the high explosives attached to the rockets.

    Israel has muttered about bombing Iranian economic targets (i.e., oil infrastructure) but that is probably the one thing Biden has managed to talk/threaten Netanyahu out of. The last thing Biden wants is a October gas price hike.

  2. Arthur says:

    I thought fat bear week was something in rehoboth

  3. All Seeing says:

    I must confess about Pete Rose. Keith Olbermann said this morning Rose was having an affair with a fourteen year old while he was married for years. Rose explained in a deposition that he thought she was sixteen. Case closed for the Commissioner of Baseball he would never be let into the Hall of Fame. I was wrong and sorry that info was not disclosed. Pete was a masterful Baseball player. ⚾️

    • Alby says:

      I didn’t realize you were unaware or I would have specified. But hey, Trump has probably done similar – what do you think is in those Epstein files? – and gotten away with it, so they’re similar there, too.

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