DL Open Thread Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024

Filed in Open Thread by on October 23, 2024 9 Comments

Another day, another raft of Trump stories about what a shit person he is. Another one of his generals, his former chief of staff John Kelly, warned that he’s a straight-up fascist and is so ignorant he praised Hitler’s generals as loyal (they tried to assassinate him three times, which is three times more than Kelly did). But my favorite is how he postured over the dead body of Vanessa Guillén, an Army private beaten to death by another soldier, in April 2020. Pretending generosity, as he often does, Trump said he’d pay for her funeral – until her family sent him the bill.

“It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!” Trump allegedly said when he found out the cost, according to witnesses in the room at the time. … “Don’t pay it!” he ordered his chief of staff at the time, Mark Meadows. He reportedly brought it up again throughout the day, saying: “Can you believe it? Fucking people, trying to rip me off.”

I suppose the family could have saved some money by burying her on their golf course, right?

It’s gotten so bad that even conservative New York Times columnist Bret Stephens said he’s voting for Harris. Unfortunately, he doesn’t live in a swing state.

Elon Musk is giving out a million dollars a day to people who sign some “free speech” petition that’s actually just a way of harvesting their personal information, supposedly for get-out-the-vote reasons. The first two winners were Republicans who had already voted. Just reinforces the point, as if it needed reinforcement, that Americans are very easily bribed, and billionaires are very easily convinced of their own brilliance.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Arthur says:

    i want the full story on the non burial. i want to hear the family tell their side and show receipts. i am tired of all these reported incidences of what he said. show what he did and how truly big of an Ahole that he is. Also, lets see where that GoFund me that he authorized went for the flood victims in NC. Show the actual receipts of no one getting anything

    • mediawatch says:

      Hate to say it but there’s room for some skepticism about these reports.
      The soldier’s funeral expenses: Trump says he’ll pay for it … but from which account? Speaking for himself, or for the government? How did Meadows get involved? If Trump was offering his own money (well, no one in their right mind would expect him to follow through), why is it being discussed in the Oval Office? If it’s government funds, well, there’s a process for payment.
      See the picture?
      Because it’s Trump, such asshole behavior is totally believable but some of these stories aren’t quite airtight.

  2. AllOverIt says:

    Opioid fund marked by rushed reviews, lenient oversight


  3. Wayne S Whirld says:

    Trump being an A..hole aside, $60,000 seems like a lot for a funeral.

    Read the Opioid report. Looks like there is little to no oversight or accountability.

  4. Wayne S Whirld says:

    An interesting item from the “Rick Jensen” show today. A caller stated that Monique Johns went to the NCC Council finance meeting last night and during public comments introduced herself as President Elect and asked for $1250 for her swearing in ceremony.
    Smiley later called in and confirmed it and said she was not President Elect since the election was in two weeks. The greed and sense of entitlement is showing before the election.

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