Traders Bidding Up Democrats/Short Selling Republican White House contracts

Filed in National by on September 8, 2007

The bettors don’t like the odds of a Republican being elected. That is not me saying that – it is a fact

Price for 2008 US Presidential Election Winner (Political Party) at

The intrade graph above is seconded by the Iowa electronic markets graph below. The short hand anaylis is that investors will pay $0.60 for a contract that will pay off $1.00 if a Democrat becomes President, but will only pay $0.40 for a contract that pays off $1.00 in the event that a Republican wins.


The edge of that graph is cut off and I can’t resize it until monday. Here is a link in the meantime.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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