Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Lots happening this week, the least of which is the seating of two undistinguished Corporadems to replace Sarah McBride and Kyle Evans Gay. Their names, like them, are unimportant. Talk about a downgrade.
Gonna put the blinkers on and take it one day at a time. Let me first catch everyone up on recently-introduced legislation. Don’t see the corporate law amendments to the Musk-influenced Delaware ‘corporate emergency’ bill yet. (Hmmm, I wonder with Tesla shedding half its value in recent weeks whether his desired compensation package is still operative.) But, I digress.
The Senate considers SS1/SB 5 (Townsend), which would establish the right to abortion in the Delaware Constitution. The bill requires two/thirds votes in each house in two consecutive General Assembly sessions to become law. There are 13 D Senate co-sponsors. The two D senators who are not co-sponsors are Darius Brown and Spiros Mantzavinos. At least one of them will have to vote yes for the bill to pass. I think, but I’m not sure, that the bill will squeak through. However, the D’s do not have enough votes to pass it on their own in the House, assuming that all D’s vote for the bill. And I doubt that any R will vote for it.
The House does not have a published agenda for today.
Meaning, we’re already down to today’s scheduled committee meetings. None of which will take place today in the Senate.
Geez, only two scheduled House committee meetings on today’s docket.
…broadens the scope of a special fund administered by the Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing that provides telecommunications assistance to Delaware residents who have deafness, hearing loss, or speech disabilities related to deafness or hearing loss. This Act authorizes the office to provide residents with assistive devices that facilitate communication or provide users with information pertaining to emergencies. Technology and Telecommunications Committee.
Apparently, small restaurants are suffering under the burden of onerous regulations. With this bill, there would now be a task force for that. Special interest legislation. Economic Development, Banking/Insurance And Commerce. Not gonna check to see whether the permissible roach quotient would be increased under this bill. OK, I checked. The resolution cited not one single example of the onerous regulation small restaurants have been laboring under. I call bullshit.
Sorry, guys, thin (hopefully not roach-infested) gruel today.
Tomorrow is guaranteed to be more eventful as the Senate takes its first crack at SB 21, aka the ‘In order to save Delaware’s corporate hegemony, we must first bow down to Elon’ bill. Oh, just look who signed onto the bill in addition to leadership: Corporadem Ray Siegfried. He and Townsend were cheerleading this bill at a D District Committee meeting last week. Have I mentioned lately that he sucks?
Sarah COULD have endorsed a progressive, non-corporadem to fill her seat in the special election, but instead stood back and stood by while a chud with questionable residency took her place. Between that and her failure to clearly and consistently use the term genocide to describe the Jewish slaughter of Palestinians, we now know that she (as the REV so aptly described) is just Chris Coons in a skirt.
Sarah pushed for a progressive successor, proving you don’t know shit. Your assertion, in other words, is incorrect.
Problem is, the committees in that district are controlled by insiders who don’t represent the people who live there.
Bud Freel, Bobby Byrd, Kim Gomes, the Finnigan clan (related to Tiny Tony DeLuca), John Carney, and the like.
Anti-abortion Senator Richardson is running through his hits (well, they didn’t chart, but…) on the abortion bill. First amendment went down, 15-6.
Second amendment went down, 14-7. Darius Brown only D yes.
Gawd, I hope I never have to listen to one of these abortion debates again.
Or, for that matter, Sen. Buckson.
Or Senator Richardson.
Or Senator Lawson.
Their comments, like, let’s face it, the bill itself, is performative theatre.
Gonna pass the Senate, not gonna pass the House.
And so it passed, 15-6. Straight party line vote.