
Filed in National by on September 11, 2007

The criminals who did this…


…were from here.


And the criminals responsible for this…


…were from here.


You and I have Iraqi blood on our hands.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. I honestly can’t think of better symbolism « DelawareLiberal.Net | September 12, 2007
  1. Mat Marshall says:

    Ohhh, Jason. I’m going to have to check back at lunch to see how many hate comments you get from Hube & Co.

  2. Mat Marshall says:

    Also, just to clarify, are you referring to the military or to Castle & friends when you say “criminals”?

  3. jason330 says:

    Us man. We are the international criminals. We are a lawless country. A rogue nation.

    Let’s face it – you and I blew up that kid and thousands just like him. Children who laughed and played in school yards prior to our invasion.

    In a democracy we don’t have the luxury to point the finger of blame at anyone other than ourselves.

  4. Hube says:

    Here’s your wish, Mat.

    You are beyond scum, Jason.

  5. jason330 says:

    We all are now. At least I realize it.

  6. Nosy says:

    You really are sick.

  7. jason330 says:

    Nosy – you don’t feel liek you have blood on your hands?

    Are you Canadian? Or what?

  8. Unfreaking believable. Self hatred is a pitiful thing. How are we responsible for Saddam’s exhinchmen and Bin Laden’s disciples? They were killing before we got there and are killing now. What we are trying to do is make sure they are not killing when we are gone. Is that a crime or a solemn duty?

    My heart goes out to the child. May God bless the Iraqi people. They have suffered through so much for so many decades. I hope this long, painful journey comes to an end soon.

  9. For the record, I am proud to be an American. I am proud to be an American Soldier. We are the beacon of freedom and the only force on earth to come to the aid of the oppressed and downtroden.

    If that is a crime, then down is up, black is white, and Jason will be in danger at the next crosswalk because he won’t know were to step. (Paraphrasing Douglas Adams).

  10. jason330 says:

    So we were right to attack Iraq?

    Okay then.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    It all makes sense.

    The U.S. is infallible.

    The U.S. attacked Iraq.

    Therefore Iraq must have had it coming.


  12. You guys are as bad as Dick Chenney. You think Iraq has something to do with Sept. 11. Didn’t you get the memo from Harry Ried?

  13. Phantom says:

    Hey David,
    Why are we not attacking Iran, North Korea, Burma, most of Africa if we were correct in attacking Iraq to relieve people of the suffering under a dictator? I mean Saddam was bad but so are most of the dictators throughout the world so how did we judge? I mean Iran is stronger than Iraq and North Korea starves it’s population and has nuclear weapons which would seem to me to be greater threats to us and possibly worse offenders than Iraq was under Saddam. But hey, Iraq offended our president’s father (who by the way had the common sense not to remove Saddam for the reasons which (and please don’t confuse yourself here) his secretary of Defense DICK CHENEY perfectly describes in the video interview done at the time of the Gulf War) so that made Saddam a target no matter what. Please, if you are going to believe nonsense I recommend Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny as they really don’t harm anyone unlike your current belief system.

    Oh, also the military is exceptional and I don’t believe anyone stated otherwise but it is directed by the government and specifically the president. Therefore the military can only provide aid and assistance when the president allows for that to occur. Great example is the current crisis in DARFUR. Have you been over there with the U.S. Military and it is being kept secret? I don’t recall hearing that we are aiding the innocent civilians being slaughtered and raped in that country? Please, if you are going to spew crap like that keep it in the toilet.

  14. Dave says:

    So if we were in Iran, North Korea or Darfur, it would be okay? Would we be spared atrocious, unforgivable statements like this post?

    The Iranian people deserve war brought to their doorstep? The North Korean people?

    Please. This is the worst kind of tripe imaginable.

  15. anon says:

    Can’t we all just agree that today should be a day of empty rhetoric and moralistic platitudes devoid of an critical thinking of self examination?

  16. donviti says:

    it’s funny how the catholic church calls this an unjust war and last time I looked the represent Jesus, but yet here are the warmongers saying we should go to war to free people.

    talking about a double standard.

  17. cassandra m says:

    This is an interesting exchange.

    Lots of high dudgeon and patriotic puffery that specifically does not address what Jason points out here:

    * The perpetrators and instigators of 9/11 have paid little, if any real price
    * And in the pursuit of Saddam Hussein (fraudulently, under the handwaving of War on Terror) a great many innocents are paying in ways we can’t imagine, and continue to pay because we’ve botched the occupation for so long.

    So which of these two things that he actually pointed out are you so upset over, or are you just upset that he hasn’t indulged in the platitudes?

  18. Disbelief says:

    David Anderson says, “For the record, I am proud to be an American. I am proud to be an American Soldier. We are the beacon of freedom and the only force on earth to come to the aid of the oppressed and downtroden.”

    I’ll bet that makes the kid with no arms, who never heard of al Queda or 9/11, feel a whole lot better.

  19. Phantom says:

    Nice twisting in the wind. I never said that anyone deserved war at thier doorstep but that must be your republican brain hearing the word war and going neocon crazy with the need to attack someone. The point that I was making (albeit that it might go above your head) is that if David Anderson was consistent and truthful in his message then why didn’t we go to war with those countries. However, the posting also points out and supports Jason’s reasoning that the war in Iraq on the grounds that Saddam was a bad man justification does not fly when examined by the complete actions of this administration. Therefore, if that is the justification for war and we invaded and went to war and now have proven that wasn’t the reason for war and many atrocities and significant violence has occurred in the country that did not exist prior to the war (and spare me the Saddam torture and regime human rights violations speech as it is clearly apparent that Saddam didn’t have Sunni’s and Shia fighting each other in the streets and IED’s killing civilians) then a logical conclusion is that the country that went to war is responsible for those tragedies occurring. I know logic is not the strong suite of conservatives as it violates one of the most basic principles of this administration, accepting reality, but please just strain for a slight dose every once in a while before you put yourself out there to state something stupid.

  20. Mat Marshall says:

    OK… well, I understand what you’re saying. We all should have been asking more of the hard questions rather than just going with this war (as 70% of our sheep-like population did). However, this war has always been out of our hands. The most I can do in my position is to speak out against the war. Unless you plan on running for office, the same goes for you until the time comes to vote.

  21. Chris says:

    “Us man. We are the international criminals. We are a lawless country. A rogue nation.”

    You know. I have always heard that there are liberals who honestly and truly hate this country. I didn’t really believe it because, well, I had never encountered one. But I have discovered that that kind of pure hatred of America and allegiance to liberal ideology over everything else, is embodied in the person of Jason.

    What sucks even more than finding out that such people really do exist, is that my money was on Donviti to be the first to reveal that side. Lost another bet….

  22. Chris says:

    So Mr. Hate America… Can I gather from the first part of your post that you are in favor of an immediate and swift invasion of Saudi Arabia?

  23. Disbelief says:

    “All criticism of anything means you are a disloyal traitor. Do not critique the government. Do not examine the war. Do not talk about the DE Psychiatric Hospital. Do not talk about the prison hospital. We conservatives believe that anyone who voices any opinion other than blind, unreasoning support should be killed.

    God bless you, and may peace be in your heart.”


  24. jason330 says:

    I have discovered that that kind of pure hatred of America and allegiance to liberal ideology over everything else, is embodied in the person of Jason.

    LOL! I am cut to the quick.

    Oohh. I hate America…Dude, you are so 2005.

    By the way – which civics class did you take that told you the in order to love America you have to go along with every criminal act the “leaders” commit?

    Can I gather from the first part of your post that you are in favor of an immediate and swift invasion of Saudi Arabia?

    I would have made more sense than attacking Iraq.

  25. Chris says:

    ““All criticism of anything means you are a disloyal traitor. Do not critique the government. Do not examine the war.”

    All or nothing again Disbelief? You guys routinely criticize the war, and while I have called you WRONG, I don’t really call you treasonous. But the level of Jace’s comments, particularly on this day, betray him…

    BTW Jace…while I hate the content, your concept for the DL Wallpaper certainly looks professionally well done…

  26. jason330 says:

    Mat –

    That is true – although I know a few people who have not begun to do the honest work of citizenship…even now.

    (*hint* Chris)

  27. Chris says:

    “Oohh. I hate America…Dude, you are so 2005.”

    Well, if you hated it 2005, I doubt much has changed.

  28. Disbelief says:

    Chris, does Jason’s alleged hate play in somehow with your judges who kill babies? Also, we were wondering if your dog talks to you?

  29. Chris says:

    “That is true – although I know a few people who have not begun to do the honest work of citizenship”

    And who should I pattern myself after…you? Or better yet…Citizen Kucinich?

  30. donviti says:

    why does one that criticizes his government and hate the administration automatically hate america?

    it’s like saying b/c you are against the troops you are against the war.

  31. Disbelief says:

    Exactly. Those Iraqi children who object to losing major body parts are being counterproductive.

  32. Chris says:

    “Chris, does Jason’s alleged hate play in somehow with your judges who kill babies?”

    Please! Who on earth would worry about protecting innocent children? When we have so many terrorist to help…

    “Also, we were wondering if your dog talks to you?”

    Oh gee. You caught me. I am conservative and republican. So I MUST be a mindless, drooling, idiot, that has no friends, no girlfriend, and talks to my dog (which I don’t have by the way) so that I can feel I have an ounce of worth in this world.

    Sorry to disappoint you. But I have found being politically and morally correct (i.e. NOT LIBERAL) has its own rewards.

  33. Chris says:

    “it’s like saying b/c you are against the troops you are against the war.”

    Wow…all kinds of liberal revelations today. Who else is coming clean with their hate…be it America or the troops. Isn’t it a relief to finally stop hiding those true feelings?

  34. jason330 says:

    Chris, I think you are deeply confused guy. I don’t blame you for it. You live in a toxic media environment. But befor you go around saying people hate America, do yourself a favor and think about what you mean by “America” for two seconds.

  35. donviti says:

    but that would require him to think jason

  36. Chris says:

    “do yourself a favor and think about what you mean by “America” for two seconds.”

    That’s right. Republicans don’t think…how silly of me…

    America is quite simply the greatest country EVER created. Where a blending and open exchange of ideas can take place. It has been defended time and time again by the greatest and bravest soldiers that have ever lived. Soldiers that embodied America’s “can do” spirit and willingness to think differently (“Yankee ingenuity”).

    However, because it is truly the greatest country on earth, there are many that wish to destroy it. The ideas it embodies are like blasphemy to them, whether they are religious fanatics or individuals who are uncomfortable with the U.S. being the best. Unfortunately, too many of the “uncomfortable ones” are American citizens. Driven by their lack of self worth, and misguided into believing that a Socialistic society could work if only they just had the political power to “make” everyone socialists, they become blatantly and purposefully reckless. You see, they have a right, in America, to criticize, complain, and voice their opinions about the country and the government. However, that is not enough for them. The seek the support of known enemies of this country in hopes that by tearing down the country as a whole, they can position themselves to seize greater control of reins. They embrace the ideals of the country (“free speech”, “right to free assembly”) so long as it serves their purposes. But as they gain footholds, they quietly begin controlling those rights. Free speech is suddenly subject to “political correctness and sensitivity”, the “right to free assembly” suddenly does not apply if the assembled happen to be Christian and the place they wish to assemble is public property. The right to “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” suddenly does not apply to living children until they have FULLY emerged from the womb. Prior to that they can crushed like a bug and discarded on a whim. But it is ok because there are of course always “justifications”.

    The sad thing in all of this is that those people and their misguided ideals can have a place in the Great Inn of America, but they choose instead to do everything in their power to invite enemies to knock down the walls of the Inn so they can rebuild it the way they want it. Yet, in their naivety, fail to realize that the same enemies they courted to knock down the walls, don’t care who is home, and have their own plans for the rebuilding.

    Are these naive idealists still “Amercians”? Absolutely….at least until the day they get to try their experiment, then who knows what they will be….

  37. jason330 says:

    You are a child.

  38. Chris says:

    “You are a child.”

    What an incredibly thought out response…you are wise beyond your years…

  39. liberalgeek says:

    Talk about selectivity. Chris, sin September 11, 2001 Bush has taken privileges that are not granted to him. He has mislead, misrepresented and lied to get what he wants. The people carrying out a grand social experiment is the cabal of Bush. There is a little microcosm of it right now in Iraq. Looks like it is going swimmingly…

    If you could look at yourself objectively, you would see that the things that you say about liberals are the things that Nazis and Fascists said about the people that disagreed with their aggressive methods. They are what Confederates said about people that were anti-slavery or pro-union. In short, your rhetoric is well worn and disgraced.

    You have a perverted view of what it means to be an American. By definition, an American is one who asks questions and holds their leaders accountable. That is what we do here. Are we sometimes insolent, of course. So were the founding fathers.

    Finally, let me point out that it is George Bush who has arranged to create “free-speech zones” near where he is speaking. We already had free-speech zones, we call it American soil. So you can take your double-standard BS and go home.

    You, Chris remind me why Americans must be ever-vigilant against the cancer that is fascism. You are proof that it could happen here. Thanks.

  40. Chris says:

    “If you could look at yourself objectively, you would see that the things that you say about liberals are the things that Nazis and Fascists said about the people that disagreed with their aggressive methods. ”

    And how exactly does that differ from the BS you spew about Conservatives? You managed just in the last post to call me a fascist, nazi, and confederate. People that don’t agree with the “liberal ideal” are often dismissed as “dumb”, “racist”, “homophobic”, “mindless sheep”, “xenophobic” and on and on. It is liberals who consistently employ propoganda to attempt to persuade otherwise intelligent individuals that their ideals will some day ACTUALLY work. Sorry to break the news to you geek. It will never happen.

    “Bush has taken privileges that are not granted to him.”

    I seem to remember Congress giving him the ok. But that could be my selective memory again. I am sure you are referring to internal security measures. Sorry, not
    going to fault him on that. How exactly would YOU attempt to guarantee we won’t get hit again? The answer to that is you wouldn’t. To occasionally experience the losses like we did 6 years ago is considered inevitable to liberals. Of couse they just “know” that when they are in charge nobody will want to hurt the U.S. because we will be a much more “compassionate” country then. (How is the sand down there?).

    “Are we sometimes insolent, of course. So were the founding fathers.”

    And just how did they exactly deal with the security threat? Check this out from

    Before the outbreak of the Revolution, the American colonial government, the Continental Congress, created the Committee of Correspondence in 1775. The purpose of the committee was to establish foreign alliances and gain the aid of foreign intelligence resources. The original intent of the committee was to facilitate the sharing of information about British colonial policy, but at the start of the Revolution, the Committee seized and combed mail for vital intelligence information. The organization was renamed the Committee of Secret Correspondence, and then the Committee of Foreign Affairs, and employed trusted Patriot sympathizers in Britain to feed American leaders intelligence information. After establishing protocol for obtaining information, the committee established a network of couriers to disperse information to battlefield commanders and key government officials. The committee also sought the aid of French forces in the war effort.”


    I am guessing they didn’t have warrants for that stuff…

    “Finally, let me point out that it is George Bush who has arranged to create “free-speech zones” near where he is speaking. ”

    Right…and he was totally the first President to do that. Given the militancy of the 60’s and 70’s I am sure even LBJ (if not Kennedy) had something similar. Considering how many of the “protests” turn violent (particularly around G8 Summits or Republican Conventions (think Philly)) is it really such a great shock that Secret Service wants some distance?

    “You, Chris remind me why Americans must be ever-vigilant against the cancer that is fascism.”

    And I am on this board to better prepare myself to be vigilant against the cancer of liberalism. Especially since it continuously tries to strike at the heart of America.

  41. donviti says:

    what exactly are “misguided ideals” chris?

  42. donviti says:

    Free speech is suddenly subject to “political correctness and sensitivity”

    do you mean when you say you are against the war and Congressmen want to through you in jail type of subjectiveness?

    you are so pathetic,

  43. David says:

    I think England is the greatest country.

    My Chinese friends think that China is the greatest country.

    My son thinks Canada is the greatest country.

  44. jason330 says:

    David –

    You mean to tell me you support England over the US of a in the “World Cup.” ???

    Get thee behind me traitor!

    ‘merica is number 1 !!!

  45. cassandra m says:

    Liberalgeek is my hero today.

    Hope everyone is sufficiently appalled at Chris’ view of the world from his front seat on the conservative shortbus.

  46. David says:

    The US plays the world’s game fairly well, but it is England where my heart lies. I’m even thinking about taking tomorrow afternoon off to watch England beat on the Ruskies.

  47. Chris says:

    “Hope everyone is sufficiently appalled at Chris’ view of the world from his front seat on the conservative shortbus.”

    My my Cassandra…how insensitive. Such a politically incorrect statement. Equating conservatives to people with mental challenges? You might lose your libby card for that one…

  48. liberalgeek says:

    Hopefully, my use of Fascism and Nazism has disabused you of any thought that I am interested in being politically correct.

    I would also remind you that the Constitution wasn’t enacted until 1787. Thus not having a warrant wasn’t really a constitutional crisis, what with no constitution and all, in 1775. Now in 2007, we do have a Constitution and a FISA statute.

    Please provide any examples that you have of a consistent policy of “free speech zones” I would be happy to see any beyond your pathetic attempt to rewrite history.

  49. jef says:

    You picked a nice day to slander your country.

  50. Chris says:

    “Please provide any examples that you have of a consistent policy of “free speech zones” I would be happy to see any beyond your pathetic attempt to rewrite history.”

    Gladly. Johnson and Nixon both (both parties)
    “A ban on picketing the White House was recommended. Instead, President Johnson and later Nixon combated the picketers through a variety of legal and illegal harassment, including limiting their numbers in certain venues and demanding letter-perfect permits for every activity.” (Source:

    Then we have Clinton’s wonderful assault on pro-lifers. Supposedly designed to “protect” those going to clinics, but in reality moved protesters away from there.

    “The constitutionality of FACE might also be challenged because clinic blockades and intimidation could be considered expressive conduct that is protected by the First Amendment. Some legal scholars have argued this to be the case because such forms of abortion protest are not primarily meant to be instrumental in preventing abortions taking place as meant to be very noticeable expressions of one’s opinion on the morality and legality of abortion.”


    “I would also remind you that the Constitution wasn’t enacted until 1787. Thus not having a warrant wasn’t really a constitutional crisis.”

    I will concede the point, but my point was raised because you invoked the Founding Fathers. They had no problem doing the same thing in time of war. But I do believe we had a Constitution in World War II right? How about World War I?

    Don’t you just hate facts….

  51. kavips says:

    Just read all fifty posts as one blob. Doing so made me immune to the emotions, and open to the facts.

    My takeaway is this: it is obvious that Liberals are open minded. Conservatives are closed minded.

    Intelligent people tend to be open minded by nature, as evidenced from those who are prone to comment in these forums. Those who struggle with intelligent conversations, due to their handicap, tend to be closed minded and shut down conversations that do not fit in with their preconceived notions.

    In essence this exchange proves this adage to be true…..

    Not all Republicans are stupid….but all stupid people tend to be republicans…….


  52. Von Cracker says:

    Maybe this has something to do with where we all are right now, and why conservatives are so Confused!