Ziegler Is Not Only a Bad Sockpuppet, He’s a Bad Date

Filed in National by on March 2, 2009

I really tried to ignore John – or, should I say Konrad? – Ziegler, but with material like the videos below…

Another Republican gift that keeps on giving.  And in case you’re tempted to give his public persona a pass, he’s just as bad in his personal life.

(h/t The Daily Beast and The Political Carnival)

Watch the videos, and, when you stop laughing, you’ll realize who Republicans have put in charge of their party.  Forget Hip Hop.  Shock jocks rule.  The question is why?  Why has the GOP handed message control over to people like Rush, Hannity, and Ziegler?

To me, this symbolizes a problem with their base.  Why woo people who should already be in bed with you?


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    Wow. The good news is that with that sort of personality, he likely won’t reproduce.

  2. nemski says:

    LOL and to think he’s never been married.

  3. pandora says:

    Boggles the mind, doesn’t it?

    Ziegler is just another blowhard. The question that’s bugging me is why the GOP is letting these clowns take center stage. I think it demonstrates a fractured base. Look at the CPAC poll. Romney wins a hollow victory. There’s no consensus even among the party faithful.

  4. oh hai says:

    I’ve never seen Republicans care so much about minorities and “children of color”, until we elected a black President. The way they talk, it seems like they just found out about them.

    On second thought, they probably did.

  5. Rebecca says:

    There might be a flaw in the logic here. The RNC doesn’t “let” Limbaugh, Zigler, Hannity, et al broadcast their amazing crap. There is a market for this that pays very well and commercial stations put it out there and make money off it. The RNC doesn’t have a whole lot of control over this.

    Steele is a different story but so far he’s just pathetic. But then, so was McAulif, and Gov. Kane seems to be invisible, but he’s probably wrestling with a lot bigger problems in VA than the DNC.

    The point being that there really isn’t any monolithic Republic party right now, and I don’t think there has ever been a monolithic Democratic party.

  6. pandora says:

    The reason I think they’re letting Limbaugh, etc run the show has a lot to do with all the deferring and apologizing that’s taking place.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    The RNC did and does willingly collaborate with the wingnut media to broadcast and synchronize party messages to their most monolithic portion of the party. And these are the folks who find wingnut radio and FoxNoise to be gospel. The RNC routinely counts these talking heads among their party leaders, even though none of them have contributed to policy or thinking and most of them can’t even be counted as civic leaders.

    The paths to power for repubs mean wither getting elected or getting a media profile. If you gt a big enough media profile, you get to be part of the crew. And for some of the crew (and some of their aspirants) occasionally running for stuff is largely meant to add to their media profile. Not really to get elected to anything. Think of Christine O’Donnell or Alan Keyes for the models for this.

    Elevating their talking heads lets them maintain the illusion that someone is listening to them. And continues the nurturing of the Party of Resentments.

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    Wow. That guy could not even hold back the asshole in himself for a half hour. She was much nicer than I would have been. He’d have probably ended up with a drink in his face (I guess that makes me “irrational.”) Where does the GOP find these guys? Can’t they find anyone more charismatic and less assholish?

  9. Jon Moseley says:

    Ummm… oh hai, could it be that you are looking at the world through your own prism or filter?

    First and Second Black Secy of State = Republican

    First Black Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff = Republican

    Gosh, I don’t have time to go through the hundreds of such examples.

    Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. Democrats opposed those.

    The most senior member of the Democrat party is former KKK Wizard Bobby Byrd of WV.

    As for Ziegler, the movie was not “ignored.” It was developed for PBS, and the liberal PBS spiked the project.

    It was then broadcast on national television and distributed worldwide, creating a huge impact.

    After watching the video posts, I am even more convinced than ever that Ziegler is a great man and liberals are nuts.