
Filed in National by on September 17, 2007

If you look back at what Napoleon learned in Spain, what the French learned in Indo-China and Algeria, what the Soviets learned in Afghanistan, and what the U.S. learned in Vietnam, the lessons of history are clear: there is a limitation to military power. Economic, political and diplomatic challenges must be solved. They can’t be solved by military means and they shouldn’t be distorted by rhetoric.

I know smart people who were saying this BEFOR we attacked Iraq. It just seemed like a bad idea.

But noooooooooo – they were just a bunch of dirty hippy beatniks who hated ‘merica.

More Murtha:

A week ago on a Sunday talk show, a reporter expounded on a personal moment with the President in the White House when she asked him, “Mr. President, how do you continue to press forward when the war is so unpopular and things seem to be going so wrong in Iraq?” The President responded, “Because I am right.”

Right about what Mr. President?
Right about weapons of mass destruction?
Right about Saddam’s involvement in 9-11?
Right about mission accomplished?
Right about thinking he could fight this war on the cheap?
Right at the ease at which Iraq could be transformed into a pillar of democracy?

About fucking time someone is laying it out.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Disbelief says:

    There is a story that the names in the towns in the Middle East have remained the same since prior to Alexander. For two thousand years, the people of Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan have not tolerated invasion.

    And didn’t Powell tell the President, “You break it, you own it.”? Oh. That’s right. He was black. The GOP wouldn’t listen to him.

  2. Dana Garrett says:

    Sadly, the Bush administration seems not to have even learned the lesson privately. The European press is filled w/ reports about the US preparing for a massive bombardment of Iran.

    At first I thought the Bush intended to keep US troops in Iraq until he leaves office to let the next President withdraw them. I am now wondering if he intends to start a conflagration that will keep us embroiled in military action in the Middle East through the next administration as well.

  3. Chris says:

    “That’s right. He was black. The GOP wouldn’t listen to him.”

    Oh yeah. I forgot. Condi Rice is white.

    What an ignorant ASS you are. Crawl back under you dirty hippie rock!

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Chris gets sucked-in very easily with slogans, signage, and showcased anomalies.

    And he also loves gardening at night, cock fights (the old-fashioned kind, not Craig-style), and using 30-year-old clichés as well.

    Let’s all give him a round of applause, for carrying the water whilst treading water is HARD WORK!

    Bully for you, Cartman Chris, bully for you…..

  5. kavips says:

    To ignore history and boldly go where so many have failed before you, without a workable plan, (yes, there was none…) is plain stupid. There is no other way to call it.

    So what does that say about those who threw their support behind “stupid”?

    Not much.

  6. Disbelief says:

    When the House and Senate voted for the war, they were voting for nothing but themselves. They knew the flag-waiving knuckle-dragging ‘patriots’ would have raised hell in the subsequent elections.

    This says two things. Get out the sycophants. And for the six (I think?) members who voted their conscience against the war, vote those guys in again.

  7. jason330 says:

    That is what makes Tom Carper and Joe Biden’s votes in favor of the war shameful. There was no way the flat on it’s back DE GOP could have touched them.

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    “Dirty hippie” – really? Am I in a way-back machine to 1968? I tell you what, I don’t think our tax dollars should be funding NASA. We’ll never get to the moon. And I not so sure about this Civil Rights thing… sound like a Ruskie plot to me.

  9. Alan Coffey says:

    Dis: “This says two things. Get out the sycophants. And for the six (I think?) members who voted their conscience against the war, vote those guys in again.”

    Ron Paul for President!