Straight talk express

Filed in National by on March 5, 2009


“I got no problems beating anyone of your asses”

“I’m going to let them bomb your fucking asses to oblivion, because you wont do shit about it”


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hiding in the open

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  1. liz says:

    We just killed l.6 million of your countrymen based on lies and deception, and your a bunch of p****ies cuz you wont kill some more.

    And Obama wants to continue this until 2010! Good luck America.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Sigh. Liz, you are President (I know everyone, resist the urge to scream in horror). So your plan would be just to send over thousands of cargo plans and have our forces leave immediately? A responsible incremental drawdown was always Obama’s plan. If you are disappointed in that you were not paying attention.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Jesus, that guy needs decaf. He has a brilliant tactical mind too.

    “Just take your weapons and march south towards the river, I guarantee you’ll see action and F some people up.”

  4. anonone says:

    I wonder what “fuck” translates to in Iraqi?

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    Actually I’m as liberal as them come and I love the way the guy was speaking to them. That’s what is so sad about this whole Iraq affair. We have men & women who will lay it on the line… bad mother fuckers who will go where ever and do whatever. But the deal is that we are very, very careful about how they’re used. Bush & Co. fucked it up royal.

    Don’t blame the commander there. He is doing what needs to be done. LG – I didn’t go to the war college or West Point but I think his plan makes sense. That’s how these things get done. Patrols. Going out and find assholes and totally fuck up their day. Predator drones only do some much.

  6. Dorian Gray says:

    Oh – and I don’t want any marine or soldier fighting for me on decaf. I want the guy to be a wild fucking animal. Say what you what about the decision to go and the decision-makers… but this is how it has to go down… once it’s going down…

    Stop acting like pussy cunts.

  7. I know he should be happy that some people in his group are sliding American weapons to people who are killing Americans.

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    I think DA & I agree. Holy shit. That has actually made my day!

  9. DG,

    I guess the only problem with some occupier calling me a pussy is that no one asked him to come over and 2 he has no fucking idea about how the country works when it comes to tribes and family and culture.

  10. Dorian Gray says:

    That’s very true. But as I said, that’s the decision-makers fault, not the soldier or marine. It’s like blaming the weapon rather than the person who used it. Would you rather him said, “well you know I’ve been thinking… I know we probably shouldn’t have come over here and it must really suck for you guys… what do you think we should do”.

    All of that’s true of course. But c’mon… that’s why I said it is a sad situation. Our team has been reduced to this…

  11. anonone says:

    Stop acting like pussy cunts.

    Nice salute to all the women in uniform, DG.

  12. Dorian Gray says:

    Pussy as adjective and cunt as noun has nothing to do with females in the service. Try to keep up.

  13. anonone says:

    Pussy as adjective and cunt as noun has nothing to do with females in the service.

    Gee, I wonder if they would feel the same way?

  14. delacrat says:

    An “advisor” who will remain to ensure that the EYE-rakis stay “trained”.

    What does it say about our “fine young men” when “cunt”, “pussy”, “fuck”, “shit” and “ass” are 90% of their vocabulary?