Late Nite Oddity: I’m Hooked on Steele Edition

Filed in National by on March 7, 2009

Like everyone else I can’t get enough of the absurd Michael Steele.

Tell me this does not sound like someone who is about to announce that he want’s to “spend more time with his family.”

STEELE: It’s been a good week, it’s been an instructive week. That’s really what I take away from a week like this. … The instruction is particularly for republicans is that you need to stay focused, other wise you get scapegoated. […]

CALLER: I hope that Paul Bagalla and Emanuel and Carville don’t convince you to resign your position.

STEELE: Aww, trust me. Not me Baby! Nuh-uh. Not happening. No way, no how!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Another Mike says:

    By this time next week, he’s history.

  2. jason330 says:

    I agree. It is Steele deathwatch time.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    What is more annoying – Steele using “baby” a lot or McCain using “my friends” a lot?

    I think the NY-20 special election (Gillibrand) is going to be the deciding factor in the future of his job.