Republican Minority Leader: Ted Kennedy to Die before Healthcare Reform Passes.

Filed in National by on March 6, 2009

Republican Minority Leader Limbaugh shows the same empathy as Mike Protack, which is none:

On his radio show Friday, Rush Limbaugh suggested that Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) would be dead by the time health care reform legislation passes. “Before it’s all over, it’ll be called the Ted Kennedy memorial health care bill,” the talk show host says.

This follows on the heels of Senator Jim Bunning saying Ruth Bader Ginsberg will be dead in nine months.

When it looks like we hate you, Republicans, it is because many representing your party are hateful.

But now let’s sit back and watch Republicans defend their leader. For you know they won’t criticize Rush for these comments.

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  1. a. price says:

    i’m not even surprised

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Minority Leader Limbaugh is a disgusting human being.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Not only won’t they criticize this rat bastard for this bit of ugliness, they’ll figure out how to make themselves look like victims because we noticed how graceless and hateful this fool is.

  4. anon says:

    I think Rush is overdue to get Imus-ed.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    His dittohead listeners won’t revolt unless they are told too — like Imus’ audience.

  6. Empathy can’t over take logic and reasoning.

    However, perhaps you can’t read but I support Universal Health Care if done right.

    In the end, I don’t know why you guys are so focused on Limbaugh.

  7. Suzanne says:

    Since when is being an insensitive ashole the same as being logic and reasoning?

    You are such a jerk Protack – go crawl back into the hole that you came from – namely Castle’s ass

  8. Truth Teller says:

    Mike P

    The reason we are focused on the Doper is because he’s the leader of your party.

    All the Repuks who have said anything about the way this ass hole acts ends up on their hands and knees crawling back and begging to kiss his ass for forgiveness.

    If the Repuk’s can’t stand up to this fool how can we expect them to stand up to Iran?

  9. Art Downs says:

    Any word from the Kopechne family on the impending demise of Ted?