It’s a small world after allllll. It’s a small world after allllll

Filed in National by on March 10, 2009

Disney Layoffs Massive, Employees Say

Sources close to Eyewitness News inside Disney World say there are massive layoffs going on at Central Florida’s number one employer.Employees at the theme park tell us the number of people let go in recent weeks is in the hundreds. However, Disney would not confirm the layoff numbers, saying only that those figures are speculative.One man told us his friend was among those recently laid off from managerial positions.”Disney is pretty much what brings tourism here and if people are laid off, that means there are not a lot of people coming into town right now,” said John Carol, friend of Disney employee.In February, Disney said a major reorganization of the company would lead to some job cuts.Disney will not say how many Central Florida employees will be affected.

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Disney seems big enough now that it could probably scale operations up and down fairly easily based on demand.

    I would expect to see this being described by the company as temporarily closing hotels, portions of parks, or entire conference centers/resorts for “renovation” or refurbishment.

  2. Reis says:

    I can’t imagine the resumes:

    1999 – 2004, Goofy
    2004 – Present, Minnie
    Goal: Mickey

  3. anon says:

    Typical corporation, they’d rather shut down than sell their product at a deep discount.

    They should partner with hotels and airlines and offer airline-style “last minute” pricing at ridiculous rates like $99 per family for a weekend. They’d be building the next generation of customers.

    Of course, nobody needs fucking Disneyland in the first place. I won’t miss them if they go.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m not a big Disney fan but I find this very sad. It’s just another story showing the ripple effects in this economy.

  5. Reis says:

    I gotta agree with anon. If it was a choice between Disney and root canal, the latter would be cheaper and less painful.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Wow — I’m agreeing with anon and Reis. I went to Disneyland a geologic age ago with my parents and that was enough.

  7. nemski says:

    Boo! You are all un-American. Hube is right.

  8. Rebecca says:

    I’ve boycotted everything Disney since they turned ABC into a Republican propaganda machine. Of course, this hasn’t been difficult since there are no children in my household.

  9. anon says:

    Maybe a handsome prince will come save them.

  10. Jason Z says:

    The source story couldn’t be more based on anecdote except for, “In February, Disney said a major reorganization of the company would lead to some job cuts.”

    So some hack writer needed material and dug up a month-old story(see:, then added, “a friend of a guy got fired.”

    HA! The same station even wrote the same story yesterday… …the same guy had a friend fired, well that might be two confirmed. I recommend reading this link, it’s more informative than the banner link.

  11. liz says:

    I am with Rebecca…Disney and ABC and all the corporate media make billions on war, and their propagandists are at the ready to “bring it on”. If you look up the true definition of fascism, its when government, media and corporations are aligned! Walt Disney was a republican.

  12. Mission Accomplished says:

    I should have seen this coming. While in Disney 2 years ago at the Princess breakfast, yes I have 2 daughters and no I’m not a perv, I notice how beat all of them looked except SNOW WHITE.

    Thank god for Snow White and bacon the morning was complete. I’m not sure which my son liked better.

  13. meatball says:

    Attendance was down at Disney’s US parks last quarter by 5%, but currently advance bookings are up over this time last year and through June.

    Also, Disney’s time share arm has recently partnered with RCI the world’s largest timeshare exchange network there by hooking a wider audience into experiencing Disney’s most luxurious accommodations.

    There are no theme parks that compare and Disney World (not land, that’s in California) offers unparalled customer service. The only people who have a bad time at Disney World are people who don’t know what they are doing.

    Despite what “people say,” an Orlando Disney trip is very affordable especially when compared to say Rehoboth Beach in July.

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    “Feelings” aside–Disney is a credible business model–and I think we all know people/families, who by gosh may be threatened by utilities being cut off, and admittedly maxed in credit card debt, but will NOT forsake the annual/semi-annual sojourn or pilgrimage to see the Mouse. Grandma can’t even compete at Thanksgiving anymore.