From the tipline…

Filed in National by on March 13, 2009

The Rachel Maddow Show, 3/4 the way through… a segment on ‘Conservadems’ prominently featuring Sen. Tom.

He MUST GO!!! Rachel makes a great argument against the astounding stupidity of their opposition to the President’s policies.

Thanks flutecake!

Note: Please reserve the first comment on this thread for John Manifold to tell us all what a great Dem and swell guy Tom Carper is.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. jason330 says:

    OMG! Tom Carper is horrible. Of the Senators mentioned, Carper “represents” the most Democratic district.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    I’m guessing that Tom wants to get a speaking role at the 2012 RNC.

  3. jason330 says:

    They can have him.

  4. LaNuit says:

    I don’t see what the issue is here. Carper is wrong on several issues, but to call them “dissenters” is incorrect. Carper voted for the stimulus, right? It’s not a stop spending caucus, it’s a fiscal responsibility and deficit reduction caucus. I don’t see the problem with that. I actually think its politically smart, and more importantly, its good public policy. Perhaps there’s something more nefarious to this whole thing, but to call them “dissenters”, as if they are fighting Obama or his plan, she offered no evidence to that point.

    Maddow misfired on this one. I know you guys don’t like Carper, and that’s fine, but if you listen to that video closely, I don’t really see anything to get bent out of shape about.

  5. LaNuit says:

    “Rachel makes a great argument against the astounding stupidity of their opposition to the President’s policies”

    Which of Obama’s plans has Carper opposed?

    What part of that video mentions opposing anything, other than Maddow’s conjecture?


  6. I can’t wait to see him at the Y

  7. did you watch the piece Lanuit?

    The piece was how he is going to now choose to be a pain in the ass instead of the past 8 years when the GOP was in power…

    Now, when we get a Dem Majority he is going to all of a sudden find his backbone

  8. a. price says:

    Don, you see him at the Y too? thats awesome. I did when he was gov. it is one thing i have always liked about Tommy C. he still mingles with common folk.

  9. Suzanne says:

    “Now, when we get a Dem Majority he is going to all of a sudden find his backbone”

    to find it, he’d have to have one to begin with.

  10. Frieda Beryhill says:

    LOL Suzanne, right on !!!

  11. flutecake says:

    Sorry late back to this party! I had some pressing Irish music events to keep me busy.

    I am hugely disappointed in this group of ‘Conservadems’ because they are spouting Republican talking points.

    Or, another way to look at it (from history), staring down the prospect of the SECOND Republican Depression, this idea of not stimulating the economy with spending that creates JOBS and paying down deficits instead are definitely HOOVER-esque!!!

    And they are proven wrong in history and in the calculations of most economists, for instance the Nobel laureate, Dr. Paul Krugman.

    Senator Carper or hangers-on, please take another look at these actions you are taking!!

    Delaware deserves smarter representation!

    Another take I have on this, why these people are forming around each other and away from President Obama’s lead; these ‘Dems’ are really part of the Wealth Party (along with Repubs) and are representing THEIR constituency, BIG MONEY (banks, big pharma, DuPonts & pals).

    We voting, working, liberal schlubs had better WAKE the heck UP!!!

    Get active and send Senator Carper a serious message!!!!!