Deep Strategery Thought

Filed in National by on March 14, 2009

HBO’s “Big Love” is part of a liberal commie plot to keep Mitt Romney from being elected President of the United States.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think it’s working!

  2. Truth Teller says:

    Look if you believe that their God lives on another planet with many wives more power to you and him. And that he has space ships so be it

  3. xstryker says:

    Maybe God, after taking his wives out on a spin in his tricked-out spaceship, drinks an extreme energy drink, does a 360-shove-it-to-boneless on his radical skateboard, and then ninja-kicks Chuck Norris in the face. Because He can. He’d be all like “I’m God, muthaf***as! Booyah!”

    Also, God’s stereo system is the planet Jupiter. He made it that way back in the 80’s so he enjoy Afrika Bombataa’s “Planet Rock” as it was meant to be played.

    Because why not?

  4. jason330 says:

    I’m going to write a longer post about Mitt because I think that he is a fascinating guy.

    Think about how better off he would have been if he had embraced the “social moderate, business oriented” brand that he built as Mass Governor – instead of bending over for the CPAC crowd.

    Right now he’d be in a position to be a shot caller for the vast majority of Republicans who don’t agree that Limbaugh should be the de-facto chairman.

    Instead he is sucking up to people who enjoy his peanut grinder’s monkey act, but will NEVER vote for a member of what they consider a heretical cult.