
Filed in National by on October 16, 2007


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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (23)

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  1. jason330 says:

    I know all of my GOP peeps who trash RAM for being a fat pig will go after fat ass Levin with gusto.

  2. anon says:

    Ouch. If Levin doesnt look like an overfed corporate pig I dont know what does. He actually makes Minner look better.

  3. Dave says:

    And you wonder why people don’t line up to want to talk to you.

  4. jason330 says:

    I don’t get the connection, but you seem to be grasping at any excuse to keep this interview from happening.

    Like I said, if your strategy is to run out the clock I guess it makes sense.

    But if you think she is the best person for the job, you are not doing your client any favors by cleveing to this line of bullshit.

  5. Dave says:

    “I don’t get the connection”


  6. Disbelief says:

    Well, this is Delaware. Think they’re related?

  7. Disbelief says:

    Slap a grey wig on Levin and give him a breast reduction, he could be Minner (the fat jokes have officially started)

  8. TomaHawk says:

    Is this a beauty contest or a political race? What does appearance have to do with political acumen? Levin is still an unknown as far as policies and aims are concerned. Aunt Bea has been an eight year disappointment. This is comparing apples and oranges. One is a possible candidate and one is a lame duck. Stupid arguements.

  9. donviti says:

    Is this a beauty contest or a political race?


    you must be new to politics, substance rarely matters

  10. Von Cracker says:

    I didn’t think any arguements were being made, just an observation.

    Take the faux outrage to Faux News, please…..

  11. Disbelief says:

    “Politics is show-business for ugly people.”

  12. G Rex says:

    Wowsers, I’m switching my vote to Protack now. He may have a porno mustache, but at least he’s in shape.

    Of course I’m listening to Jensen and DWA Mike at the moment, so now I’m picturing Levin at the beach. Please make the horrible images stop! No, no, not the thong! AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!

  13. SoC says:

    Ruth Ann is truly one handsome woman. With such physical similarity to Levin, the other candidates better watch out for him.

    It sure wasn’t her education or capabilities that got her elected, so it must be the looks.

  14. I get an FAA physical twice a year and have a family history of diabetes so I stay in shape. Still, I got my AARP application last week which was a setback.

    I have not run one in ten years but my last marathon was 1996 and it was under 3 hours like all but one of my runs. Still, Carney has me beat in the athletic field.

    Fitness does help me a great deal keep up with the challenges of doing this run and other difficult things.

    I love disbelief’s comments about politics, that quote is a gem.

  15. G Rex says:

    So, you’re saying you’d look better in a bathing suit? (Obama take) Well, if the DelGov. is obligated to show up at the beach every spring and splash around for the cameras, perhaps we’d better have a pose-off in lieu of debates.

  16. Lenny D says:

    Look out for that 2008 Gubernatorial swimsuit calander, in the works as we speak! I heard Protack and his mustache got the cover! Way to go sexy Mike!

  17. anon. says:

    His fat neck and double chin looks more like Burris than RAM

  18. Lenny D says:

    Half of these bloggers have fat necks and pot bellies, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re one of them! Your cold and spiteful and always blogging. A dreadful combination that usually leads to obesity! Get off the computer, stop hating, and go do something positive!

  19. Disbelief says:

    Just curious, anon. Is Lenny D your mother?

  20. Dave says:

    Yeah. Don’t insult Levin by comparing him to me.

  21. Dana Garrett says:

    “He may have a porno mustache…”

    LOL!! By God, that’s it! That’s what always bothered me about Protack’s ‘stache.

  22. Dana,

    I have heard many recommendations on shaving. Two things, I hate shaving and on long days I have to do it twice.

    More importantly, my elderly mother recognizes me very quickly by my moustache. Her dementia is kind of tricky and one day she called me her brother and then corrected herself by saying , ” no , you’re the one with the moustache”. So, it stays for now.

  23. jason330 says:

    Best reason given for keeping a moustache in the history of politics.