GOP: “oops.” Me: “What a bunch of bullshit.”

Filed in National by on October 23, 2007

Celia has this story about how R’s are trying to jam as much money into the Christian campaign as possible and thereby fill up SD14 mailboxes with attacks ads while they keep their candidate under wraps.

The Bottom Line: Copeland and the GOP braintrust got caught breaking the law.

A bit of advice to newbie republican office seekers.  If Charles Lamont DuPont VonCopeland offers to “help” you.

Run away!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (21)

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  1. Dave says:


    We caught ourselves making a mistake and reported ourselves.

    Will your side do the same? You’ve already committed on egregious campaign violation.

  2. disbelief says:

    Who was it that keeps using the phrase “I smell fear.”?

  3. disbelief says:

    My view: Christian is going to get hammered. Dave is trying for as many votes as possible in order to say, “It would have been worse without me.”

    The GOP side of this election appears to be a war exercise in how to run a campaign. Somewhere along the way, they lost the candidate.

  4. jason330 says:

    This is “St. Ferris Part II”

    I want to like Christian, but she is either a ghost dreamed up by Dave Burris and Sir. Charles OR, she really is some kind of raving wingnut.

  5. Don’t you have an interview scheduled with The Christian Mormon Goddess, Jason?

  6. Dave says:

    Mike, please don’t get in the way of Jason’s pre-judging and fantasies.

  7. Dave says:

    And we haven’t lost the candidate. She’s out knocking on doors everyday, winning the election face-to-face.

  8. jason330 says:

    Mike –

    They still haven’t firmed it up and I opened my schedule for an enitre week. The 27th was floated – but not confirmed.

    I’m getting a little worried that they are just trying to run out the clock and keep me on the sidelines.

    I wouldn’t put that past Burris. Evil rovian genius that he is.

  9. disbelief says:

    Come to think of it, I’ve never seen Burris and Christian in the same place at the same time. Hmmmmmmm…. Dave in a wig?

  10. Dave says:

    I don’t control her (obviously, since she responded in the first place), but I think she’s just not intimidated by punks who attack her party, her supporters and her politics while boosting up her opponent and pretending to be undecided.

    Just like when she walked into a GOP-unfriendly Teamsters Hall for the WFP meeting (which Ennis bailed on) and answered every question or into a GOP-unfriendly MHP meeting in the heart of Ennis’ district at Wild Meadows and answered every question.

    She doesn’t scare.

  11. donviti says:

    This is “St. Ferris Part II”

    was she in a hit and run also?

  12. anon says:

    “We caught ourselves making a mistake and reported ourselves.”
    Uh, Dave… It was brought to Charlie Copeland’s attention. – But I’m glad you admit to “We”.
    It was not picked up on by your Republican party attorney-on-call Richard Forsten.( Same attorney for a couple of the Middletown/Smyrna Developers who seek annexations.)
    This was Charlie’s show. Your $ going into his company for Your qualifragistexpialidosish candidate. Please correct me on the spelling here.

  13. anon says:

    Oh, When is Frank Simms going to weigh in here. He’s the Chairman of the “IPOD”. He shouldn’t want anything to do with the partisan politics which has transpired recently.
    Will he wake up and ask Christian to withdraw her name from the ballot???

  14. jason330 says:

    Care you elaborate anon? You lost me.

  15. disbelief says:

    I think anon is saying that the Independent Party decided to play with the pigs and now has shit on their shoes. I would imagine that there have been some Monday Morning Quarterback sessions at the Independent HQ (can Independents have an HQ, or do they only meet individually?).

  16. Dave says:

    I’m still missing the part where anything illegal or unethical transpired here. Not in your imaginations, but in real life.

  17. disbelief says:

    According to the NJ story, it appears Copeland secretly set up a Pac with undisclosed members for the sole purpose of funneling more money into the GOP candidate’s pockets?

    And Dave says there’s nothing sleazy here? Its like a gaggle of donviti’s groupies showing up in church wearing the same hootchie-gear they had on Saturday night and saying to all the stares, “What?”

    No reflection on you, Don, but you do seem to attract those with a more casual moral attitute.

  18. fsp says:

    dis – The Dem/Union establishment has at least 40 similar PACs. What’s the problem again?

  19. Dave says:

    And Dis, you seem to have a weird obsession with DV. Really weird.

  20. disbelief says:

    Dude; I can’t help it. He’s HOT. I mean, Brad Pitt pretty.

    Whassamatter Dave; afraid to get in touch with your feminine side? Homosexuals make you uncomfortable in a rabid right-wing Evangelical way?

  21. Dave says:

    I didn’t really think of it like that. It’s more like a living vicariously through DV kind of thing.