14thSD Special Results Thread

Filed in National by on November 3, 2007

I worked the Odessa Fire Hall all day and tunrnout was light and almost exactly 50/50. .

I’ll have much more on my experience, but for now I will say that one of the GOP polling place workers I was talking to made, perhaps, the best case for Christian when she said, “if Ennis wins it means we have to go through all of this again in 4o days.” .

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Rebecca says:

    It’s looking like about two to one for Ennis.

    I spent eleven hours on a phone bank and talked to a bunch of wonderful people. Ya’ll are so nice down below the canal. Really, just nice, nice people. I can’t remember when I’ve laughed so much on a phone bank.

    I think I’ll call Brian Bushweller and volunter to help with his phone bank. It will be fun.

  2. disbelief says:

    Bushweller has already won. The race to be in next yeat is Bennet vs. Donna “I got nice lips” Stone.

  3. Donna “I got nice lips” Stone.

    Donna Stone was an interesting person to watch. She sat on the committee dealing with the Manufactured Homeowners Association and had a tendency to belt out some laughs. It was kind of cool. She made all of the right noises when it came to the conservative line that Chairman Valihra led through the evening, which, as a financial conservative, I appreciated.

    I will never forget the last day of session in June when the dear Assemblyman turned around at his desk to stare down Chris Coons in the balcony in totally disgust over the open-ended deal the county laid with labor.

  4. shoot, preview is my friend should that I remember to edit.