28th RD Special Preview

Filed in National by on November 4, 2007


Smyrna and Dover East of Silver Lake. Throw in a string of towns along Rt 9 where life revolves around the volunteer fire halls (since nothing worth eating lives in the Delaware Bay anymore.)


Democrats: 5,998 Republicans: 3,554 Ind: 3,148 Total: 12,700


The Dems are running William “Lumpy” Carson who has been doing the heavy lifting in the 28th RD’s committee for years. I predict that the Dems will overcome the R&I registration advantage and will hold the seat.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. anon. says:

    If I’m Mr.Carson, I’m praying that the Republicans ask Burris to run this campaign too.

  2. What? says:

    Whats up with Cthcart? I heard he was at the UD football game yesterday. You would of thought that he would be working that Senate race (you know the Senate race that took place in his back yard). What a dick you are, Dick!

  3. George says:

    Looking at those numbers last night… Mr. Cathcart should probably be very, very scared.

  4. I must respectfully disagree. Yes, it is a rough time to be a Republican. No, I would not be surprised if the Democrats kept a seat where they are so close to 50% of the voters in a special election so your prediction is not surprising though you must be kidding to call a Democratic 2500 voter edge in registration a Republican advantage.

    I think that the Kent Republican Chair may work a little miracle. I predict a toss up race. If who I think will run does, we may see a surprise pick up. Cathcart is not in danger. This battle is on Democrat turf. Republicans have nothing to lose. It is Gilligan who has the risk. If the Democrats lose this seat, they will not take the house.

  5. 2 slices to go says:

    David Anderson, “Gilligan is in trouble”? YOU ARE A RETARD!

  6. That isn’t what Dave said. He was referring to the tenuous balance of power in the state house. Gilligan leads the DEMs ergo “has the risk”.

  7. David,

    Who is running??

    This race will be a tough one.

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    Just an FYI–Dick Cathcart has been in China, and not at a UD football game as erroneously posted. No need to add to the misinformation.