19th RD Democratic Primary Preview

Filed in National by on November 4, 2007


A rough triangle with Newport Gap Pike at the top Newport on the eastern point and Delaware Park on the western.

D: 5,719 R: 3,258 I: 3,512 Total: 12,489


Dana is not running. Chalk up another victory for our party overlords.
The Democratic Primary is the race that will decide who represents this Union heavy Democratic district. If Dana Garrett decides to primary Bob Gilligan it could get interesting. Dana would get a quick and unequvical endorsment from me.

Although Dana and I are taking different routes we are both headed for the same end point: a revitalized and reformed Demcoratic Party. This primary is the kind of direct activism that Dana favors and that the party sorely needs.

Dana would be a long shot – but anything can happen in a primary.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. Jason, before you go whole hog on “You are dead to me” Garrett, check out how he really feels about you on:
    Jason Scott’s Latest Tempest in a Teapot

    “By consistently establishing a written record for open government, even when it means endorsing against my own parties candidates, and recording the Janson’s and Nancy’s compromises et al w/ anti-democratic candidates like Ennis, when open government finally does come to Delaware, the record will then show that it came IN SPITE OF the work of the Jason Scott’s and Nancy Willings, etc. But no one will be able to say that about me. I will be numbered among the others who never deviated from that goal.”

    oh, and open forums…the bad boy of GOPerland has banned me from his comments! CHICKEN SHIT~!

    “Banned by webmaster. Your comments will not be added


    Yo Onionhead, what no balls to send this piece of b/s to Sen. Ennis @ his home or leg hall?? Just like little FAT BOY BURRIS, spineless. And you are going to primary Gilligen? that ought to be a “BUST”, are you going to do it with this site of yours? You, Copeland and Burris will make a great team, look what the hell you all did to Joanne Christian.
    DON G. | Homepage | 11.04.07 | #


    I have often marveled at the idiotic hypocrisy of those who don’t provide their names on the internet calling gutless those who do.

    But you know what. Let’s give you as much exposure as possible. Here’s your e-mail address: dlgekg@verizon.net

    Here’s your unique IP address:

    I’m sure someone will recognize your e-mail address and let me know your identity.

    Now if you have any “balls” e-mail me at DanaVGarrett@gmail.com so we can arrange a time & place for you to mouth your idiocy to my face.

    What do you say, punk? Are you game?
    Dana Garrett |


  2. We have so annoyed the boy he has threatened to get all physical with us and shit:

    “Let them gloat now. I’ll do mine later as I follow Ennis in the Senate very closely and record on the web every time he votes to keep government closed, to restrict the voting and electoral rights of Delawareans, takes gifts from big money, obeys the orders of Daniello and Adams, and continues to neglect the needs of the little people (like those who live in manufactured housing). I will smear it all in the faces of the Jasons, the Nancy Willings, and the many cowardly anonymous commenters on this race”

    I got one word for ya Dana dear: meds my man, meds!

  3. Dana Garrett says:

    That’s right. I’m not interested in running for elected office and as I’ve said already, I have no intention of running against anyone.

    But if I did run, Jason, I wouldn’t accept your help and I wouldn’t accept a dime of your money. I would no more accept a dime from you than I would from from Karl Rove and for the same reason. You both believe partisanship is more important than principle and people and their rights. You are both two sides of the same coin.

    But I’m not running and probably never will. I’m only interested in open & good government for the people of the state, which of course doesn’t really put us on the same path. You Jason, Nancy “McDowell Can Do No Wrong” Willis, and Don “I’m too much of a wuss to face Dana Garrett face-to-face” G are for open government as long as the Democratic leadership gives permission. I’m for it because citizens deserve it and it doesn’t matter one whit what a party says about it. We are as different as night and day.

    And, yes, if Ennis votes against good & open government, I will smear it in your faces. I will hang it around your necks like a milestone. Here’s why.

    It only required 1 vote to kill Thurman Adams’ senate rules which has allowed him to bottle up open government bills. By siding w/ Ennis, you Jason, Nancy and the numerous nameless shills that fouled blogs w/ their slurs have sided w/ Thurman Adams to keep the legislature closed to the people of the state. I hope you are proud. Someday you will regret it because I have the record…all neatly organized and readily available.

    Nancy, I tried to call you to today to tell you were banned from Delaware Watch for making the foul-mouthed comment below. But I got a message saying your phone had been disconnected.

    “What a shame that Matthews likes licking Dana-butt so much…this is prime DWA territoy!!! Come woth it, Mike!”


  4. kavips says:

    That comment (of Nancy’s) was over the top…especially when it comes from one blogger to another about a third person close to both; all of which are known for their independent thinking, all influential in making local politics this year, much more progressive than those of years past.

    These types of comments would appear funny only to those on the outside who would enjoy watching us fall all over ourselves.

    We are better than that.

  5. jason330 says:

    You think so? Don’t go to DWA.

  6. Dana Garrett says:


    Don’t mind Jason. He detests the phrase you used: “independent thinking.”

  7. General Custer says:

    Time for a truce. Below a white flag waves….

  8. Kavips dear. That was a run on a joke started by Matthews on his blog as follows:

    “Mike Matthews says:


    You’ve got me so fucking confused. One moment you sound like you’re on Ramone’s side. The other, I swear to God you sound like your parroting the bullshit the anon. on Jason’s site was proffering. Which is it?

    And, for your information…it’s not my nose that’s up Garrett’s ass. It’s my tongue. At least we’d both get some pleasure then… ”


    Dana has gone over to the dark side, either that or he has been this loony all along. I really can’t say. I try to hold my tongue with him but recently he is borderline insane with this ONE VOTE MORE FOR OPEN GOVT crap.

    I have worked as hard as anyone for opening up government. Dana is very casual, however, about misrepresenting my positions, especially concerning McDowell and BWW/DP&L. Dana has been saying over and over that I have some nefarious connection to the Senator. His lies seem to be working – a la Rush and Sean, if you lie enough times folks start to believe it. Shame on Dana. I keep an open mind and the fiscals

    I just got an email from an active lefty, Ellen Lebowitz, who had a thinly veiled reference to me playing politics in the wind farm issue. She stated in an email to Tom Noyes that

    1). Nancy Willing who I’ve copied on this appears to think that the BWW project should not go forward

    2). RE: BWW and comment by Firestone and Kempton – They don’t even touch on the political reasons behind the attempts to shatter this opportunity.

    3). I’m hoping you can make it clear to Nancy that this wind project is definitely in the best interest of DE AND the WORLD.

    I am and always have been very much interested in the wind farm going in. That is not to say that we should suffer with a shitty deal just BECAUSE someone wants this yesterday.

    The PSC is looking at a deal that has an unnecessary gas plant backup. It has an unwarranted limit to the turbine field of 150 units. It has escalators that leave Delawareans holding the bag in a 25 year lock which under a worst case would cost us $55 extra a month.

    BWW has backed off of shoving all of the risk onto the rate-payer once the PSC balked.

    The deal can be improved if we all work hard to keep the politics of it at bay. Dana is doing no one a service by his imaginative story-telling.

  9. ACORN had a meeting last week on the issue and BWW showed up with Kowalko. I hear that they stuggled to answer several questions about controlling the costs/rate-payer risk.

    Please everyone who can, come to Bear Library tomorrow night at 7 PM to participate in a public debate between BWW And DP&L hosted by the 7&40 Civic Alliance and put you damned money where you mouth is. Put up or shut up. Ask the questions and get the answers from both parties. I certainly plan to be there with plenty for each.

  10. Dana Garrett says:

    Kavips, e-mail me at DanaVGarrett@gmail.com and I’ll give you the scoop abut Nancy Willing. He comments against the windfarm/Bluewater is all over the internet as well as her unswerving support for McDowell on ANYTHING he deems crucially important.

    Also, I am totally correct about the one vote for open government. Sen. Peterson herself told me as well as people listening to WDEL that Thurman Adams Senate rules that open government legislation bottled up prevailed by one vote. She voted against his closed government rules as did all the Repubs.

    The reason why Nancy would prefer to characterize people who point out this FACT as insane is because one of the votes for Adams’ closed government rules was–you guessed it–Harris McDowell. Once more she is protecting Harris McDowell.

    If Nancy ever seems to go against a sensible and liberal position regarding DE, just ask yourself “What is Harris McDowell’s position” and you’ll know instantly why she is on the wrong side of the issue.

    We were one vote from stopping the ability of senate chairpersons from sitting on open government bills. But according to Jason Scott and Nancy Willing I am supposed to be insane for wanting that stopped. It’s difficult to get more Orwellian & crazy than that.

  11. Dana, you are hopeless. I am not and was never against the wind farm project. I see flaws in the proposal and said as much.

    I am not going to dignify the McDowell tripe with a response. The day is coming, however, when all will be made clear – ask ANNON ll about that friend of hers she campaigns for and the dirt that he likes to spread around the place.

    Be patient.

  12. He comments against the windfarm/Bluewater is all over the internet
    On the contrary (I can’t believe I am still up) my comments favoring the wind farm on the internet made it into the October issue of Delaware Today magazine, Dana. Don’t be such an idiot.

  13. kavips says:

    Well, you are all heroes to me. I got into this business because of you…

    So you can pick apart each other if you want, but when it comes to true character, the few of you have more of it than the entire General Assembly….

    Don’t ever forget that.

    Gotta go.