War Trivia

Filed in National by on November 23, 2007

Q: Does anyone know the name of our operation in Afghanistan?

LONDON (Reuters) – The conflict in Afghanistan has reached “crisis proportions,” with the resurgent Taliban present in more than half the country and closing in on Kabul, a report said on Wednesday.

A: Time is up. I didn’t think you would remember it.

It was/is called Operation Enduring Freedom but a better name would be “Operation Half-Assed Screw Up.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. ANNON II says:

    What ever it’s called I don’t think my great grandchildren will be thrilled to pay for it…just another neo-nazi run on the treasury.

  2. Brian says:

    I think more focus on Afghanistan and Pakistan to catch Bin Laden would be appropriate and a lot less concern with Iran, or Iraq or any other states in the region. They are all a mess.

  3. Mick Protast says:


    Does Chickenhawk FSP know where to sign up to fight the terrorists or does he want our young men and women doing his job?

  4. Dave says:

    John — I don’t remember you serving, either.

  5. Frank says:

    My son is over there.

    I couldn’t agree with you more.

  6. ANNON II says:

    Have the Carper boys signed up yet? Well, considering the way their dad votes, I suppose there is still time for them to join and make dad proud.

    Saw Carper in Sunday’s Snooze talking to a group of school kids about his experience in Nam….fickin’ war monger…charging up other people’s kids minds while his precious progeny are safe and sound………sickening.

    By the way, last night on TV I saw that Vet that Donviti showed us on Veteran’s Day….the gov. is srewing him on the % for injuries…..80% for loss of an arm, 60% for loss of hearing in one ear (and loss of the ear itself)….I could go on and on. The story is shocking and sad but the hero and his family were looking to the future. Brave people. True Patriots.