Michele Bachmann Has Serious Problems

Filed in National by on April 6, 2009

She needs mental help, and I’m not kidding.

I believe that there is a very strong chance that we will see that young people will be put into mandatory service. And the real concerns is that there are provisions for what I would call re-education camps for young people, where young people have to go and get trained in a philosophy that the government puts forward and then they have to go to work in some of these politically correct forums.

Re-education camps?  Wonder what Orrin Hatch, Serve America Act co-sponsor, thinks about that description?  Honestly, whenever I listen to Michele Bachmann I’m half expecting Ashton Kutcher to jump out.  And never one to abandon a meme she continues on with everyone should be “armed with knowledge so that they can be dangerous to the views of the Left.”  Isn’t she clever!

So, let’s see… not only do we have to worry about the government taking away our guns, we now have to worry about them coming for our children.  The list keeps growing, and I won’t hold my breath waiting for someone in her party to call her rhetoric out.  They’re obviously a-okay with it.

What concerns me, with talk like this, is what may happen the next time a Children’s Protective Services officer shows up at some crazy’s door.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (32)

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  1. anon says:

    Throw one more can of gas on the fire…. who will be the next gunman to shoot up the town with “Obama’s going to take our children” literature scattered about the floorboards of his car?

  2. anon says:

    Obama is a Muslim
    Obama is not a citizen
    Obama is a Weather Underground radical
    ACLU will sue your churches to marry gays
    Obama will take your guns
    Obama will take your children to camps

    Is there NO END to the bloody, bloody bullshit?

  3. nemski says:

    Bachmann brings on the crazy.

  4. jason330 says:

    Please note that if some fringe left wing personality like Michael Moore said half of the shit Bachamm did, it would have been news for a week.

    Bachmann is a freaking elected official and this gets silence from the traditional media.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m really tired of the media looking the other way while elected officials say crazy and untrue things. In fact, there is a whole “news” network dedicated to rewriting reality. They’ve been pushing the “Obama re-education camps” and “Obama gun ban” as well. Perhaps we should take a look at what is labeled “news.” I don’t think Fox News should be allowed to call themselves a news channel, what with their blatant quote manipulation and reality-denial. Perhaps they should be called Fox Entertainment or something so people won’t be confused an think what they’re saying is actually true.

  6. anon says:

    I’m tired of people dying with Republican lies on the killers’ lips.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    Can someone please get Congresswoman Bachmann some help? How much more crazy does she have to get before she can’t be re-elected in her district? Surely there are sane Republicans in Minnesota.

  8. a. price says:

    fuck her. and fuck her help. can we please get the national spotlight on this dangerous person before she instigates more death? discredit her, show everyone what a loon she is, in 2010 she will be so forgotten the Dem will practically run unopposed and she can be left shouting into the night while the rest of the world improves without her. My liberal bleeding heart has no sympathy for her. i just want her to stop causing death.

  9. The more you feed this Bachmann troll, the more she turns into a figurehead like Rush/Hannity/Beck etc.

  10. a. price says:

    than get her out of office and give her a radio show. she is a FUCKING UNITED STATES CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVE. she is IN THE GOVERNMENT and she is saying the government is coming for your children and people should be armed and dangerous. that is frightening.

  11. pandora says:

    Brian, whether we feed her, or not, her message reaches her intended audience – and that’s the problem. I’m merely documenting her comments for future use.

  12. a. price says:

    in her trial

  13. Tom S. says:

    “Within the Armed Forces it was common knowledge that left-wing intellectuals had exerted a powerful influence through the Army Education Corps, which as Nigel Birch observed was ‘the only regiment with a general election among its battle honours’.”

    No, in terms of a draft its a pretty legitimate worry. The Army Education Corps cost Churchill the 1945 election.

  14. a. price says:

    what the hell are you talking about? she is telling people, who are already being told that obama wants their guns, that obama now wants to take and re educate their kids. and you are comparing it to this 1945 nonsense?

    first of all, this isn’t about tom s. No one gives a crap about tom s. this is about the people who might get hurt because of lies michelle bachmann is telling. nothing about tom s there. so your usual posts reference you a lot…. i expect we will get silence from you now

  15. Unstable Isotope says:

    Are you defending her Tom? Do you believe her insanity?

  16. Tom S. says:

    “what the hell are you talking about?”

    That we should be weary of the political implications of a draft, especially one with goals such at “teaching citizenship and building character”.

    “she is telling people, who are already being told that obama wants their guns,”

    Which corresponds to the statements the President and Attorney General have made.

    “that obama now wants to take and re educate their kids. and you are comparing it to this 1945 nonsense? ”

    She said young people and it isn’t nonsense.

    “Are you defending her Tom? Do you believe her insanity?”

    I think you folks are reading too much into what she said. If she indented, as it looks to me like she intended, to warn about the potential for the politicization of national service then history says she has a legitimate point.

  17. a. price says:

    no one but her and her defenders are talk about a draft. you are an enabler of the violence she is instigating.

  18. Tom S. says:

    “no one but her and her defenders are talk about a draft.”

    and Rahm Emanuel (http://www.examiner.com/x-536-Civil-Liberties-Examiner~y2008m11d6-Obamas-chief-of-staff-choice-favors-compulsory-universal-service) and the President (http://blog.heritage.org/2008/11/24/rahms-plan-for-mandatory-service/)

    “you are an enabler of the violence she is instigating.”

    What country do you live in? Individuals are responsible for their actions.

  19. a. price says:

    link didn’t work.
    and are you saying that the pittsburg terrorist got his ideas from thin air? or maybe he got his ideas from trusted people, like us congresspersons, or high profile radio hacks spewing lies…. and by defending them, you enable the violence. congrats

  20. a. price says:

    seems to me, aside from tipper, a shit load of right wingnuts were a part of the “blame rock music” for everything in the mid 80s, oh and 70s, … oo and the 60’s and 50s, and 90’s and recently
    so music can influence behavior, but (for some odd reason) respected names in broadcast like Glenn and Sean shouldnt be held to account when their words cause death? or a US congressional representative can just make wild accusations and not be held to account when someone takes her lies and uses them as justification for violence? you selfish bastard.

  21. Tom S. says:

    “link didn’t work.”

    Put the URL in, or know what you’re talking about, either one would do.

    “and are you saying that the pittsburg terrorist got his ideas from thin air?”

    I think he was a mentally unstable young man who was bound for a confrontation with law enforcement no matter who occupied the White House. He was a professed follower of Alex Jones, 6 months ago he would have been telling you about how Bush was going to round us all up and the North America Union was taking over.

    “or maybe he got his ideas from trusted people, like us congresspersons, or high profile radio hacks spewing lies…. and by defending them, you enable the violence. congrats”

    Enable, please. I will be held account for no man’s actions but my own.

  22. Tom S. says:

    “seems to me, aside from tipper, a shit load of right wingnuts were a part of the “blame rock music” for everything in the mid 80s, oh and 70s, … oo and the 60’s and 50s, and 90’s and recently
    so music can influence behavior,”

    They always argued that children shouldn’t be unknowingly exposed to that which could be deemed offensive. No one ever wanted to censor what adults could listen to.

    “but (for some odd reason) respected names in broadcast like Glenn and Sean shouldnt be held to account when their words cause death?”

    Well, I suppose if they went around folks with weak hearts and shouted BOOO! then maybe they should…

  23. a. price says:


    now it worked but it says that page doesnt exist. if you are going to provide “proof” realize people might check it.

    there you go, being selfish again. this chat was never about you, Tom S, but even after i cleared that up for ya, you made it about you. this “its not my problem” attitude is typical of everyone on the lunatic fringe right. You mention going to church a lot, do you remember “i am not my brother’s keeper?” seems THAT guy didn’t have much favor.

  24. a. price says:

    ok, well. when I posed it, the first one worked. learn how to post a link. give a minute for em to read it.

  25. a. price says:

    did anyone watch david sheuster smack the fuck out of a gun loving dip shit? it was on hard ball, maybe we can get a video up?

  26. Tom S. says:

    Cant say I did.

  27. anon says:

    It’s not too early to send money to her 2o1o opponent via ActBlue:


  28. Truth Teller says:

    Tom S.

    You couldn’t back up your bullshit claims yesterday about guns with facts and here you are again spouting the Junkies bullshit . If you are going to add to this Blog go to the library and read some history.

    Anon love your list of all the rumors however notice how not one member of the GOP will stand up and rebuke them.

  29. Geezer says:

    “I think you folks are reading too much into what she said. If she indented, as it looks to me like she intended, to warn about the potential for the politicization of national service then history says she has a legitimate point.”

    Wait a second — you gleaned “a warning about the potential for politicization of national service,” which isn’t at all what the words actually say, and then have the nerve to accuse others of “reading too much into” what she said? Or do you mean that you understand what she meant, because you listened to the same line of libertarian/conservative “reasoning” she did?

    “I will be held account for no man’s actions but my own.”

    What a pitiable figure you cut.

  30. Still, the bill sets up a mechanism to implement mandatory volunteerism for school children. That form of involuntary servitude is troubling to me, and should be to you.

    And once you set up such a program, there will be a mandatory curriculum from Washington.

  31. Tom S. says:

    “now it worked but it says that page doesnt exist. if you are going to provide “proof” realize people might check it. ”

    Works just fine on my computer, check it again. Or know that Rahm has been promoting this ever since his 2006 book. Either one works.

    “there you go, being selfish again. this chat was never about you, Tom S, but even after i cleared that up for ya, you made it about you.”

    I’m sorry if I’ve given you that impression.

    “this “its not my problem” attitude is typical of everyone on the lunatic fringe right.”

    I am as responsible for the shooting in Pittsburgh as you are for the shooting in the Missouri Evangelical Church.

    “You mention going to church a lot, do you remember “i am not my brother’s keeper?” seems THAT guy didn’t have much favor.”

    I’m not actually sure what you’re getting at there.

    “You couldn’t back up your bullshit claims yesterday about guns with facts”

    I think I did a pretty good job. Is there anything you would like to see better sourced?

    “you gleaned “a warning about the potential for politicization of national service,”…Or do you mean that you understand what she meant, because you listened to the same line of libertarian/conservative “reasoning” she did? ”

    She was speaking on the topic of National Service, I don’t think its a stretch at all.