Apparently McCain is too busy being a Maverick to vote
The golden boy of the republican party that has hitched his wagon to the Iraq War apparently is too busy deciding whether or not to run for President than to vote on the Senate Floor these days.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), missing another major vote on the Iraq war today in favor of presidential campaigning, has pulled far ahead of his 2008 rivals in at least one category: absenteeism. McCain has now missed more votes, 60, than every other senator with the exception of Sen. Tim Johnson (D-S.D.) – who’s missed the entire year as he recovers from a brain hemorrhage
Apparently Mr. Support the Troops, I’m not in favor of a timetable didn’t vote his conscious today. Must be nice to go on NBC Today this morning talk about how horrible this spending Bill is and how it aids the enemy, then not even vote on it.
I will give McCain and Biden (who has missed 41 votes by the way) credit where it is due, they are 2nd and 3rd to only Sen Tim Johnson, I don’t know how long that will last though at the rate they are going.
I understand that running for President is more important that doing your job, but if you are going yapping away about how horrible this past War Spending Bill was then maybe you should vote against it or shut the fuck up! Isn’t that what we tell people that don’t vote? If you dont’ vote you can’t complain. I think the same should apply to a vote pandering flip flopper that talks out of both sides of his mouth.
Way to go Maverick, you are a rebel that is for sure. Your constituents are no doubt Proud…Joe you should be ashamed, but at least you voted YES today.