Happy Easter
Whatever your faith or non-faith – DelawareLiberal hopes that this season brings a spirit of renewal, peace and love.
Whatever your faith or non-faith – DelawareLiberal hopes that this season brings a spirit of renewal, peace and love.
Happy Easter everyone!
It’s the time of year for the “Peep Show.” Go check out the photo gallery.
I love that peep link. The homage to Reservoir Dogs is my favorite.
That one was good. I voted for the “Peeping Peeps.”
Chris Cillizza of The Fix at the Washington Post has picked DelawareLiberal as the best political blog in the First State. Did I miss the post on that? Here’s the link
We rock, but are trying to be more humble about it…
Oh the hell with that, DL KICKS ASS!
I was a bit disappointed that Colossus of Rodney didn’t get honorable mention Ha ha
Congratulations Jason and all your peeps.
how was the selection handled by votes or submissions????????????
There was no voting or freeping. There was no post at DL asking our readers to flood The Fix. People could write comments, but that was not the deciding factor.
Blogs were read and The Fix decided.
It appears that Mike M and Hube have a different story
Of course they do.
best political blog in delaware…. that reminds me of that line from the movie “Waiting” ‘… that is like being the smartest kid with Downs Syndrome”
I’m sure they had to look at traffic numbers. I certainly don’t remember any posts about the Fix or best state blogs. Cillizza is not someone I read regularly.